yeet + yert = a dumb thing white boys say when they are high and/or drunk
Frat boy 1: YERT!!!!
Frat boy 2: YERT!!!!!
A word that may be used in the context of cheerfulness.
Yert is an up an coming word that expresses joy or stupidity.
i.e.- "I just got $1,000,000"
i.e. 2-"ANSWER MEEE"
- "I just got $1,000,000"
Yert, is when yeet is at its full meme power.
Monika: I can yeet faster than you
Shaniqua: YERT!
Housing made of ice blocks made to store the deceased. (My Furry Protogen)
Southern tribes in arctic areas believe that people go into an eternal slumber instead of dying, so tribes build yerts for the deceased.