Source Code

Zook (Zʊk)

Pronunciation /Zʊk/ Rhymes with Hook.
According to Wordhippo, Zook means A person who is associated with petty criminality and who is seen as strongly identified with brand names in music, clothing, sport, vehicles, and so forth.
In my opinion, the word Zook should mean for Gen-z Hoodlums. Here in Florida, we have annoying hoodlum twats that think they're better than everyone else. They usually wear pyjamas and crocs, have their hands in their pants with they pants saggin, watch stupid ass TikToks, cant go one day without saying bro more than 100 times, have trash car mods, walk with their shoulders flinging about, Dress like Fagtards. Their girlfriends have eyelashes about to fly off, have no respect, and they're big douchefags of society. They're like chavs in a way.

Zook (Zʊk): A person who is associated with petty criminality and who is seen as strongly identified with brand names in music, clothing, sport, vehicles, and so forth
Person: *On his phone, his business*

Zooks: * Walk next to the dude talking about the bullshit right next to him*
Zooks: *Notices him*
Zook 1: AYO ain't you gonna dab me up??
Zook 2: You Textin the hoes?
Zook 3: Are you a real NPC, BRuHH??
Person: *Grabs gun and starts shooting them*

by TheSuckaWhoDontFucka February 7, 2024