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Patient Zero Day

As "Patient Zero" refers to the first known infected case in a zombie plague, Patient Zero Day is the celebration of the coming of the first ever zombie- that zombie is Jesus Christ. (Patient Zero Day is Easter).

"Happy Patient Zero Day! Did the bunny give you chocolate eggs?"

by seepyseedy April 1, 2013

8👍 3👎

negative patient care outcome

Political correct term for death expirenced while at the hospital: see alsobit the shit

I was told your husband was in the hospital and was shocked to hear he had a negative patient care outcome.

by vernon February 3, 2004

53👍 21👎

cancer patient lookin ass

A little cunt ass bitch that looks like a 4 ft tall banana lookin ass cunt bitch boy and sells his man pussy for money for his cocane addiction (he’s gay too)

What a funny lookin cancer patient lookin ass

you got there fella

by Boiiwantthisusername December 4, 2017

3👍 1👎

Patient Experience

Patient Experience PX is trained to the masses. Its suppose to prevent coworkers from being dead inside and not acting bitter as f to patients. They typically use fempathy statements aka empathy statements that come across bitchy. It's called acting PX'Y

Patient Experience employees be like..

Hi Sue its great to see you! I can see that you look upset.

Sue: You dont see shit mf! Get the fuck outta with that fake PXe bs!

by Joemmack May 14, 2019

st jude patient

This term is an insult to use when someone is balding or look autistic

Girl 1: OMG look at janet she looks like a st jude patient

Girl 2: for real bro
Janet: 👩 🦼

by Tati. Nat June 10, 2024

Patient adherence


Difficulty with label
Incorrect prescription
Feeling better

Peer pressure
Confusing instructions
Unaware of consequences
Complicated regimen

religious beliefs
Taste of medication
Prefer other medicine

Don’t trust it

Side effects
Internet or claims from other people

You can improve a patient’s adherence by simplifying regimen characteristics which will make sure that it isn’t overly complicated and the patient won’t stop taking the medication because it’s instructions are confusing to them.

Imparting knowledge to the patient will allow the patient to understand and be aware of the consequences and might make them trust it more.

Modifying patient beliefs will target specific intentional reasons why the patient stops taking medication and provide the patient with a medication that tailors the unique needs for them..

Patient communication involves the patient's family and includes them for social support and understanding like helping younger or elderly patients take their medications in case they cannot do it by themselves.

You can help the patient to trust the medication more by changing the education and information to the patients level of understanding

Patient adherence is preventing the patient from taking their medication.

by Nairobi1994 November 2, 2020

Patient 0

The Federal Bureau of Investigations nickname for Hillary Clinton

Patient 0 lost the election

by Domingoodp February 23, 2017