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Abandon All Ships

What happens when Tiesto, Basshunter and Armin Van Buuren ask Cher to join their new band, Emmure.

Actual members are:
Angelo Aita - screams/growls
Martin Broda - clean vocals
Sebastian Cassisi-Nunez - synths & keyboards
Daniel Ciccotelli - lead guitar
Chris Taylor - drums

Hailing from Toronto, currnetly signed to Rise. Music generally consists of auto-tuned choruses, gated/distorted screams, power chords and electronic breakdowns with arpeggiated synth leads. So far they've released 2 albums on Rise: Geeving (2010) and Infamous (2012).

Some good songs IMO: Megawacko 2.1, Take One Last Breath, Less Than Love, American Holocaust, Bro My God

Most people judge Abandon All Ships for their excessive use of auto-tune, "bad" screaming (they'd know) and techno-ish breakdowns, but i personally like their music.

by electrojesus August 23, 2012

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abandon an orphan in the woods

1. to take a poop

2. one of the best quotes from code monkeys on the G4 network

dude 1: man, i got to go abandon an orphan in the woods!

dude 2: dont for get to spray something you smell bastard!

by Red Skull 10 December 17, 2009

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Hole Digging And Abandonment

The phenomenon where road workers tear up a street and then never repave it; when people dig a hole to fix something in the street and never refill it

(also used for freeways and any other place road work was started and then left unfinished.)

Steve: Don't go down Pine Road.
Marvin: Why? They should be done the roadwork there by now.
Steve: Nah, they never finished it. It's hole digging and abandonment at its best.

by Nika Walsh October 9, 2011

Wreck ASS Abandonment

What Moves You After A Big Fish Dinner

He had a huge piece of salmon for dinner.
Twenty minutes later it was "Wreck ASS Abandonment"

by mickey delphino December 8, 2007

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abandoned tree-house

an older womans vagina

Mrs. Anderson's abandoned tree-house sure is loose.

by warshap January 12, 2009

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Time to Abandon Ship

When your chances with a girl go from 0.00001% to 0%, and there is no hope of her liking you back.

Person 1 β€œBud I think that chick likes some other dude”
Person 2 β€œWhat should I text her?”
Person 1 β€œ Time to abandon ship”
Person 2 Gets blocked by her.

by Namtcarf213 November 2, 2020

abandoned pitcher's mound

The pelvic region above the vagina that is covered with an extreme amount of pubic hair,thus resembling the look of an old baseball sandlot that hasn't been played on in a long time

Mike wanted to eat out Gina,but told her to cut the grass above her clit ,because it looked like an abandoned pitcher's mound

by BIG T 49 August 4, 2017

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