The action of a person begging to win in a Scrabble game.
Xiled (adj.) - Exemple : Ethan from CrankGameplays xilejed his twitter friends to help him win his Scrabble game against his mother.
toosh(adj.): an uncool person, flake, fake, or poser; biggest loser on the planet.
toosh(verb): to act uncool or screw something up by be being stupid/uncool; to push one's luck and fail miserably w/great shame; to flake out.
Fabio is a toosh.
GW Bush really tooshed it w/ the war on Iraq.
1) one that is not normal
2) one that has failed to act in a socially acceptable manner. . .
I spill't red cool-aid on my shirt. . .
"that's gormp"