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scene kids or commonly now refered to as scenesters as well as the large ego and vanity share a largte interest in vanity groups of myspacewhich require general attractiveness, 1000+ picture comments and/or 2000 myspace friends, for example.
This subculture from the emo phase is aspired to by many youths, But the major rule on this subculture is the inability to call yourself a scene kids as the result causes one to then become a wannabe. so calling yourself scene is not allowed but many apsire to be scene without 'trying'. in effect another label thrown around to deny.
Scene kids are very opinionated and follow some form of art, and their dress sense orginates from that of emo with bright vibrant colours thrown in for shock value. the crazy hair styles are used to turn heads, males taking longer hair whilst females can vary from many back brushed types to 'dykish' types of the short nature.
they share a loothing of many people and come across rather arrogant.
They use other labels slang but teh use has beocme so frequent it is now their own, making the whole idea very ironic.

ryan: look at thsoe scene kids, probably going to rush off to myspace to take some more pictures of their 'angles'

tom: ryan you cant talk your a scene kid

ryan: no im not!!!!

tom: ryan did i hurt your ego

harry: tom your forgetting hes not allowed to admit. gosh

by insidelingo May 7, 2007

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Life in the wonderful world of the unique scene kids of the country.

The typical scene boy:
Hi, I'm a fucking moron. You can certaintly find me on myspace. You’ll recognize me and my kind because my display name is namexcorexxx, or it has a huge word following my name, but I have no idea what it means, it just looks cool. I'm straight edge, when I feel like it. It totally depends on who I hang out with and what they are, cause god forbid I think for myself. I have no self esteem, I act like I do, but I'm crying on the inside. I have really nice unique hair. It's long in the front, to cover up my insecurities, but its short in the back, so i still have a little bit of masculinity. I shop at PacSun and other places that sell Tilt’s girls jeans I own numerous pairs but only wear 1, they have to be tight on my matchstick body, I love the feeling of my balls pressed up tight against my inner thigh. I try to look like a girl as much as I can without going under the knife. I don't eat meat, cause fall out boy says not to, but I love underage drinking and making out with other guys that look more like girls than I do. I have a girlfriend, but only so my parents don’t think im gay. I go to hardxcore shows and dance like I'm having a seizure or have parkinsons. I make a complete fool out of myself to try to get attention, even though I fail miserably. Sometimes I pay money to go to a club but i sit outside and bum cigs and smoke them hoping it makes me look cool. I really have no personality; I just do what my friends do, even though they feel the same way. I guess we're jst one giant group of estrogen and insecurities. I watch fuse to see what the latest scene bands are, so i can steal my dads money and run to FYE or hot topic and buy their extremely over priced CD. But trust me, I'm not like anyone. I swear.

The typical scene girl:
Hi, I'm 14 years old and am "sXe" For lifeone!!1one!1! I basically wear either short denim skirts with leg warmers underneath, spandex pants and a long dress like shirt that shows my vagina, or some crapily sewn hand me down jeans, & some shirt I got from a thift store, or urban outfitters. My hair is atleast 2 unatural hair colors, and is straigned almost to the point of death. If any of my friends see me with curly hair they wont accept me! My hair used to be long and cover my face, but I tried cutting it all scene and it ended up so short, so I scrunched it up, and threw on some hair dye and called it scene hair. I LOVE my fingerless gloves I got at hot topic for twenty dollars. No one else has them, except my friends, that’s what makes us, unique!! Along with all of our cute braclets we made from crappy beads we stole from our little sisters. I pierce my lip because it makes me look unique. I am a nonconformist, I do what I want, as long as fall out boy and atreyu and underoath approve of it. Also, if sonny moore wouldn't or hasn't done it, it must not be cool, so I can't do it either. I love Panic! at the disco too cause they don't sound like anyone else except for fall out boy, thursday, thrice, finch, and all those other awesome unique bands! my myspace says how I don't care what you think, But I'll dress however and do whatever to make you like me. So please don't break my brittle heart. But really, I'm so unique and different. I just do whatever my friends do
hoping that someday, someone will give a shit about me and my personality. No wait, I don't have one.

1) gloves are for bums that use old napkins & newspapers as sheets.
2) Peircings, extremely different, you know only Β½ the population has some piercing besides earings.
3) Clearly lying, being fake, ranging from ages 13-18
4) kill me now

I Don't know whats more pathetic. Making a 10 minute movie on how to be scene, or me actually watching it. And it wasnt funny at all, cause they were being serious.

by Ali Lansing July 29, 2006

81πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


-they basically love to be unique and have the center of attention and they love to be as "unique" as possible, (while at the same time they are making themselves a clique,)

*not to be confused with emo, although the scene and emo defining line is not completely clear*

-they often have many hair colors at one time.short and spiky on one side, and long bangs on the other side.

---trends with "scene people" right now: strange fascination with dinosaurs and saying "rawr", childrens hair bows and headbands, plastic bright colored jewlry, leggings matched with vintage skirts and old shirts, messager bands with pins on the strap, plaid pants, long bead necklaces, sayings like " he's a cool kid. "

scene person conversation--

person 1-- you are so rad
person 2-- well you are a cool kid
person 1--- well, rawr im a dinosaur how can't i be cool
person 2- *laughs*

by emmelie March 4, 2006

51πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


81.6% of scene kids have a myspace. *not proven

you can often catch scene kids saying "rawrr," "you are the sex," "bang bang bang," "i'm a ganstaa," "adjective face," or "sup noun" on their myspace.
they also use words like "rad" and "stellar"
scene kids have cute obsessions with things like rocketships, cheerios,Dinosaurs, ninjas, or pokemon (for example).

cute scene girls are usually going out with adorable scene guys...and are always "madly inlove with one another"
But not always some scene kids can be goin out with SomeOne from another cultural - As long as its within teh rock catergory.Hence NOT chavs or townies

Some scene kids can be mean and superfical,But others are usually sweet and adorable.
And scne kids not always but commonly one extreme or teh other such as ; straight edge or completly hardcore.
Most scenesters may admit 'Yeh,I;m in the scene' while other may just not know it,or refuse to admit it and accuse you of judging them.

Also many scene kid ; especailly the sweet ones with be against animal cruelty and thsi is why many are vegans

Some scene kids also strive to be intelliegnt And may look childish but can be found reading

by kimCorrupt August 27, 2006

40πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


girl scenester;
+ livejournal/cam whore
+ cuts her own hair
+ thrift lover
+ short, choppy hair (frequently dyed)

boy scenester;
+ incredibly flamboyant
+ tight, tight pants .. possibly girl pants
+ trendy belt
+ backpack or some kind of hipster hat

You think you're so scene because you went to Houston Calls and The Blue Scene but I saw Yes, Virgina and Socratic at the downtown, bitch.

by Markie Mark July 8, 2005

91πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


Usually divided between certain types of music (Indie, Punk, hXc, what-fucking ever). The members of each scene usually conform to a certain type of dress and even type of thinking. Scenesters typically react to the other scenes with disgust and contempt.

In other words, it's white youth's answer to fucking street gangs.

I can't even go to fucking local shows without having to deal with pussies with eyeliner, retards with X's Sharpied on their hands or snobby douchbags in vintage T-Shirts. Thanks scenesters! Thanks a fucking bunch!

by The Dude February 15, 2005

1280πŸ‘ 946πŸ‘Ž


Scene/Scenester/Scene Kid is a person who is associated with the MUSIC SCENE, usually being hardcore/punk rock type music. Pays close attention to the latest fashion trends and usually tries to make it their own. Usually has a myspace featuring dinosaurs guns etc. Sometimes they are very elitist especially to youths who copy their personal styles.

Apearence: Tight band shirts, shirts with random pictures on them like bright dinosaurs and guns, tight girl pants, bandanas around neck and wrists, converse or skate shoes, choppy self-cut hair many times dyed/streaked, hoodies, no hats, bright colors, piercings, www.hottopic.com for most scene clothing examples

Music: Scenesters/Scene Kids are all about the music! they LOVE music with a PASSION and know tons of underground bands and listen to almost anything as long as its not too "mainstream" or too "pop/country"

Attitude: Scenesters/Scene Kids are very happy, have very high self-esteem, are very RANDOM, care alot about personal appearance, are very social, and are very stuck up, and love random things like dinasours and robots, guns and stars and whales, mudkips

Activities: Shows/Parties/Myspace where they have tons of friends, finding new music

Negativity1: Many Scenesters/Scene Kids are said to be posers, lack originality, try-hard to look like their favorite band. BUT you can say the same for ALL stereotypes, the hiphop, punk, goth, metal, jock, prep, harajuku, weeaboo, furry, pretty much any fashion following stereotypes out there

Negativity2: Others mistake Scene for Emo but they are NOT the same. Emo kids are so sad to the point of killing themselves or atleast act like it. and Emocore don't wear girl pants

SceneSchelle: SUP NIG
Anonymous: So i herd you liek MUDKIPS
SceneSchelle: OMFG you know i am nigga. UR so radd. (:

by lance iss anonymouse March 6, 2007

20πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž