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Angelicaism is supporting everyone with the name "Angelica" despite their background with respect and equality also treating them like their your everything

Person A:We should join the Angelicaism cult!
Person B:I hope Bro is there to support her...
Person A:I think he already is.

by $OmG$ February 8, 2020

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Angelicaism is when a person loves or stans this person named Angelica B.

Anika is diagnosed with Angelicaism.

by jznxv November 2, 2019

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A girl that sometime is salty but once you get to know her she is probably the best person you can meet.

PS:yeah but once you know her she is very funny and nice

by SQUARIDOT April 7, 2018

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a super dooper cool girl who atttends a catholic school. also known as angie.

"omg, you're so super cool like angelica!"

by patty patty pat pat September 24, 2007

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Angelica is a wonderful amazing person.She is definitely shy and quiet.She is one of those girls who keeps to her self and keeps her friend circle small.Angelica may seem quiet but when you piss her off it’s on.She has a thing for basketball players and she herself plays volleyball.Angelica’s often have lil bootys and brown curly hair.Her eyes are a sparkly dark brown.

Damn Angelica is fine!

by Brown eyed March 20, 2019

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She is your ride or die she will be there for you and is real unlike other boos shes the best supporter and is MY ride or die i love you periodt pooh :)

Oh my shes such a angelica!

by periodt_sis October 16, 2019

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A mother to a beatiful daugther named nevaeh. Angelica can be way too over pretective, but shes lobes her daughter. Angelica also is very hardworking, but is bery forgetful because she didnf remember to get her daughter (nevaeh) airpods

Angelica: nevaeh u want airpods
Nevaeh: yes mommy, thank u
(Two days later)
Nevaeh: did u order them
Angelica: omg i forgot
Nevaeh: its ok
(2 weeks later)
Nevaeh: did u order them
Angelica: omg im so sorry

by nparrish1227 April 14, 2019

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