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Algebraic Anxiety

The helpless, panicky feeling one experiences when completely and utterly clueless in algebra class.

I had a bad case of Algebraic Anxiety yesterday while learning how to factor polynomials.

by RAWSTUNMEATLER April 16, 2010

voicemail anxiety

Refers to a fear of listening to voicemail(s) for any reason, esp. for fear of what the message may say or require of the listener.

Even the notification of a message can trigger my voicemail anxiety.

by mmmonic December 29, 2011

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ladder anxiety

Gaming term; anxiety toward competitive ranking in online play. Often used regarding StarCraft or other competitive game.

I have too much ladder anxiety in 1v1, so I stick to the Arcade.

by Ulrezaj_ December 23, 2013

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form anxiety

n. Fear, distress, and nervousness caused by the act of entering personal information into a pre-made template. Often paralyzing, making simple tasks such as applying for jobs, school, etc. almost impossible for the affected.

see also: Formophobia

" my blood pressure was through the roof at the doctors office. I got form anxiety because they made my fill out my patient information form"

"Joe refuses to do his taxes online because of his form anxiety. So instead he always just pays someone else"

by Aaron-Core February 2, 2009

Approach anxiety

Approach anxiety (AA) is a term used to describe a man who feels highly nervous, awkward and distressed during (or even before) the act of approaching and getting to know women he has never met before. While the anxiety often derives from a greater social phobia, approach anxiety itself derives specifically from man's belief that he is very likely to be rejected by the woman of his desire in unplesant and harsh ways.

In most cases, a man who tries to overcome this particular anxiety may experience symptoms such as rapid heart rate, clammy hands and excessive body sweating, thought paralysis (i.e 'going blank' or 'freezing up'), rapid speach, uncharacteristic stuttering, unintentional fidgeting and many other forms of physical or mental reactions to high stress.

David's approach anxiety is ruining his sex life.

by Doc Xavian December 27, 2008

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Anxiety disorder

A type of mental illness in which anxiety is the main feature. Examples include panic disorder, specific phobias, agorophobia, generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) and social anxiety disorder.

He has an anxiety disorder.

by Doc_B April 14, 2015

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Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety is the worst form of Mental Disorder, and no one can understand it, without having yet lived with it. Always feeling Humiliated, fear of humiliation, breaking out with sweats, and then feeling even more embarrassed of your sweat and feeling as if everyone is staring at it. It can be a snowball effect. We love to be alone because being alone means actually feeling relaxed, unwatched, and unjudged. It is a very sad thing to live with.

It is very hard for anyone with social anxiety to have any normal form of conversation. Over-examing the words and gestures that other people say or do, and eventually ending up feeling embarassed or humiliated for not saying the right thing, or the funny thing, or the cool thing. Our minds race and race and race all the time, every second of the day we are judging ourselves, trying to change ourselves, trying to relax ourselves, trying to understand ourselves, trying to label ourselves, and trying to understand where we fit in in this world. This is just a glimpse of what rollercoasters through our brain, constantly. Never rest. It is truly a terrible disorder.

We are cool people, we just cant HELP it.

A "normal" person may feel an incredible sadness when a loved one passes away, an intense fear when in a traffic Collision, or extreme nervousness when given a large responsibility.

Now, imagine all three (and more) of these feelings being combined and pounded into a single person every second of the day, every day of the year, and every year of their life. It is intense, but the person with social anxiety, must cope.

by InDyingClowns March 29, 2011

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