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Authority Recognition Disorder (ARD)

The inability to react to persons of authority when directed to action. Often exhibited by teenagers, slackers and those retired-on-the-job workers.

This guy at work got right up in my grill and barked at me to complete my weekly reports. He said he was my boss and threatened to fire me if I didn't get it done. Who does he think he is? Who was that guy? Was that my boss? What's a boss? Crap, I wonder if I might have authority recognition disorder (ARD).

by Malgren von Chesterburg October 22, 2010

7👍 4👎

Ard Fheis

A collection of ball bags with snake attached

An annual meeting of Irish politicians :Ard Fheis

by Irish Nationalist April 5, 2024


A male hoe that is currently hard

The ho-ard was having a very good time.

by Eyidid March 7, 2022


Scott brown in the football pitch

Jesus broony’s looking ‘ard

by ThePopesDong January 23, 2020


Aka... retarded

When a Canadian / Jamaican male acts like he a woman that gets menstrual cramps every 28 days. Eg... when he doesn't agree with something and wants to be heard.. he then starts acting like a cry baby bitch!

Look at Chuckie, he's acting so re-arded, like a cry baby bitch!

by QweneT to u bitch August 26, 2021

Courtney Danielle Ard

She is the most beautiful human I’ve ever been aware of. I meant that as in her empathy’s depth or well. She’s closest to right as you morally could imagine much less ever come close to nearing her capacity. She is the most overlooked unappreciated human I’ve ever been around. She is the most important person to me on this entire earth. She has always had someone in her ear trying to tear us away from each other. I understand. Courtney I love you from the bottom of my heart forever and always.

Courtney Danielle ard... damn she’s got it all!

by GarretJones February 18, 2021


Yorkshire's finest way of describing a person who is an absolute unit. They are too good for the H in hard.

*An absolute monster of a guy walks down the street*

Person: Oh god he looks ard.

by YaBoiBigJohnnnnnnnn December 3, 2021