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a face that looks like an ass

the child has an assface because he is a loser

by annoying squaredd January 11, 2011


1) multiple ass cheeks on a face

that bitch has a assface.

by December 20, 2020


A person who is very cool but no one cares about them AT ALL. They can be a dick and makes a lot off bad jokes.

"Omg he's such an assface."

by litassbitch💞 May 14, 2018


A face that looks like an ass. That is why it is called assface.

dude: look it is a assface.
other dude: yea.

by hedgehog-queen July 29, 2018


Marco Gencarelli

Shutup Assface

by pattywhackmtsack November 4, 2016


Somebody with the face of a ASS

That guy over there is such an assface

by Poopyballzbaby June 24, 2021


Someone who has a face that looks like a butt; their face looks like it will fart on you.; A person who is butt ass ugly and talks shit.
Also commonly known as the male version of a "Karen".

Wow that guy really is an AssFace, he had me so fooled into thinking he was such a good guy.

by NellieBunz007 March 15, 2022