A person that uses Nicotine patches constantly instead of using cigarettes. They may claim they are not addicted to smoking but are addicted to the patches.
Sherlock is totally a band-aid smoker.
band aid station small local hospital, typically infers sub-standard care. Often used by healthcare professionals at large, cutting-edge hospitals. So named because they are only capable of basic first-aid such as applying Band-Aids.
We have to take this trauma transfer from the band-aid station.
A kotex or feminine napkin. Derived from the words Mexican-as in "south", and band aid-as in "soaks up blood".
"Damn I started my monthly, you have a Mexican Band-aid on you?"
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Prior to engaging in sexual activity, heat hot wax and have ready a supply of wax paper. Blind fold your partner and start to spread the hot wax across the ass cheeks and lower back. Start to have sex in the "doggy position" and apply the wax paper. Before finishing tear the paper off and run!
I have given french band-aid's in the past but this was like no other.
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All the verbal things one scampers to congure up, contort, and convey as sincerely as possible to patch up whatever's left of what was once an intimate relationship.
Janet: You broke up with Chad?!? Super-sensitive Chad? He's gonna implode!
Beth: I know! Too sensitive! That was the problem! So tonight I'm getting more stoned than the 10 commandments and write down every Semantic Band-Aid I can possibly pull out of the universe's bing-hole to make sure he doesn't mistake his dog's bed for his mother's womb and his Pabst bottles for breasts for the next half-year.
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The strip of white on your body (usually the finger) from where you left a band-aid on for a while (esp. while outside).
Her band-aid tan made her look like she had some sort of skin condition after she left her band-aid on during a day of tanning.
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when u have alot of sores covered in band aids and get in the tub to take a bath and when u finish and get out all the band aids have come off in the tub leaving band aid soup.
When I got out of the tub I saw that I had made band aid soup.
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