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ap biology

the literal and metaphoric translation of "satan". there is no other way to describe this class other than hell, torture, memorization of pointless shit, the biggest GPA sinker since Calc ABCDEFG. If you find pictures of physical deformities useful for memes, though, take this class!

-Hey Craig, how's ap bio going?
-well, last night I lit my ap biology textbook on fire, dried the ashes with all the tears of children in a small Ugandan village, and then let that baby sink to the bottom of the atlantic
-Wow! that sucks
-pretty sure it killed a seagull when it fell. karma!

by skewlsux123 April 28, 2015

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

molecular biology

Encompasses analysis of DNA, RNA, replication, transcription and translation. Only flop people repeat this.

Yo how was molecular biology dude?
I flopped man, no mastaz!

by mike james bitch October 17, 2006

57πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

vce biology

physical and mental pain and torment

double vce biology might kill me

by chicken fingers 2200181 September 1, 2021

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

AP Biology

An extensive college course that teaches you absolutely nothing useful. After taking this course, if you did it right, you'll be able to explain cellular respiration and how plants essentially have sex. Though if people asked about these subjects, they'd think you're really smart, the truth is that no one gives a shit so unless you're an AP slut and bring up these topics in daily conversations, this class is yet another example of a completely useless course that everyone takes solely to impress colleges who really shouldn't give a damn. And if you're an AP slut, you deserve a SLAP (get it ? slut + AP = SLAP?)

"Hey this salad is reaaally good. You want some?"
"Nah I'm good, I think my mitochondria have enough glucose from my breakfast to continue with cellular respiration. Thanks though."
"Daa fuck?!"
"Oh you want to know more of this useless, boring information? You should take AP Biology with me."
"You're such an AP slut!"
"Speaking of AP's, do you know the difference between monocots and dicots? Well let me tell you..."

by itsmadefromyourmomschesthair April 26, 2011

278πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž

AP Biology

A time consuming pain in the ass that should be taken if you really are that curious about the world and why it is the way it is.

Holy shit, AP Biology is a bitch of a class. Oh well, I got an A second semester.

by AlexR April 22, 2005

445πŸ‘ 174πŸ‘Ž

aqa biology

A test in 2016's GCSE's that had barely anything to do with biology, but more about pissed rats

Google it

AQA Biology, how well do you know your business studies?

by Netscape4.0 May 18, 2016

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

biology and physics

The greatest punchline by Yasine lama unknown definition but is hilarious as they don’t go together bmt!

β€œMia takes (wait for it) biology and physics lol XD” yasine is the only one laughing at his own joke ha ha ha

by Fredo and Dave January 29, 2019

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž