Source Code


You can't see this

Your not blind if you can read this which means you have blindness

by Tdrago May 5, 2018

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An alternative to the word mate, or blud/bled. People use the word blind to replace their friends name for example.

Guy 1: Yo what's happening blind?
Guy 2: Safe as, blind.

Cooter: If you don't like me, blind.

by TunaBaby August 21, 2007

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Used when you feel embarrassed

I walked out of the toilet with toilet paper hanging off my feet... It was so "Blind"!

by Paula Munro May 22, 2008

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The state of being hot. Your hottness depends on how blinde you are.

"You only like her because she's blinde!"

"She's only hot because she's blinde."

by Cube December 5, 2004

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The Blind Leading The Blind

When a person is confused or stuck on an issue, and another person tries to help them, despite having no idea how to fix their problem themselves.

My friend and I tried to do the math homework together after we were absent for the notes. Coincidentally, the teacher was absent for jury duty that day, and it was like the blind leading the blind for both of us.

by Someone who kinda exists October 13, 2022

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Blinded is this kid called L. Barnes, nah thats too obvious, lets just say Luke B. He loves his computer and CoD. But i still love this kid

"That's almost as retarded as Blinded, but not that retarded"
"Settle down Blinded, CoD is just a game"

by Peter September 22, 2004

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Cringe blindness

Cringe blindness occurs when someone is unaware of either the cringey behavior around them or their own cringey behavior. Cringe blindness leads to a lack of any self-awareness or ability to notice social cues. Finally, an individual suffering from cringe blindness will be unaware of their suffering or the suffering of those around them.

Vincent was dancing around the graduation with a towel on his head and kept groping men's shoulders when taking group photos. It was clear to those around that he was suffering from cringe blindness.

by 1014Tyme May 4, 2021