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To actively search out and destroy a rodent of the wilderness, such as a raccoon, with any object that can be found in your vicinity.

Nick:”Bog its ass”.

by Big Dick Energy August 3, 2018


Booty Of God
Originated from BDG jeans

“Omg look at that girl’s butt! It’s BOG”

by #1 BOG September 1, 2022


Another word for shroom which are mushrooms containing psilocybin and psilocin, that are ingested for there hallucinogenic properties. It can also be used as a synonym for any other illegal drug.

This word was first commonly used by the SMART CREW (graffiti crew) from NYC. It is now often used in the New England area in many underground cultures. It is a very versatile word that can also be used as a verb, noun, adjective, etc... with completely different meanings.

Are you going bog out tonight?

Are there any cameras? I'm just going to bog it, look out for boggers.

Who's bog-tending tonight? You think we can get free drinks?

by Ray Brower March 26, 2008

33👍 50👎


battery operated girlfriend. (sex toy for men)

last night i used my bog

by maxrix June 10, 2005

29👍 48👎


Toilet bowl

I'm going to break the bog, that porcelain is going to crack!

by Shalasaska September 14, 2002

33👍 57👎


noun: A person whom you cannot identify upon, they can be a boy or girl.
Boy or Girl = bog

OH MYYYYY! Dude did you just see that bog!?

by Richard Park February 23, 2007

17👍 29👎


bog is sweedish for sex

sweedish man: hey fancy some bog?
random person:Bog? WTF

by Mark williams May 22, 2005

22👍 40👎