With the average internet person no longer having enough enemies to keep up with supply versus demand, people have taken on every available avenue of life (both online & offline) just to take on any new possible enemy available just for a small window of a chance to tell them... "Get born again! Go shit yourself out of your own ass!" In other words, GBA (Get Born Again) & GSY (Go Shit Yourself)!
"Hi, Karen! Nice curtains!"
"Why don't you get born again, Marcy? Go shit yourself out of your own ass!"
People can't make enough enemies these days to supply enough of the laugh demand. What are we resorting to?
"All around the world, people are telling each other to get born again and to go shit themselves out of their own asses!"
A movement of people especially of teens who have had there fill of the world and are using black magic to defend themselves against the world and it's bullies.
Support the born again black magician movement.
When one dumps or gets dumped and is "reborn" into the single life and meeting new people. almost like a reincarnation when part of your soul dies and your confused as fuck in your new life.
guy #1: "why is Zac goin so hard in the pain over there with that chick?"
guy #2: "hey man give him a break hes a born again single"
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A person who repented of his sins and decided to follow Jesus.
Since she is born again, she forgives others more easily, because God has forgiven her sins.
Stranger, I'll wait for you
Beneath the archway to never
Let's cease our
Constant wailings
For our prayers fall
On deaf ears
Her white skin
Shines through darkness
Taut with pleasure
Taut with pain
And her keeper
Always laughing, always laughing
And, I'll wait forever
For only you
The disappeared ones
And, the pain will last forever
For only you
That's how the dream goes on
Born again
He says
We'll be born again
But, into rats and hell
For a dollar death
But, that can't happen here!
No, no not again
No, no not again
And, later we'll be talking
Oh, you wonder why you die?
My head is filled with
Fallen statues
Slaughtered children
Fill our eyes
And, the skull is always laughing
Always laughing, always laughing
And I'll wait for ever
For only you
The disappeared ones
And the pain will
Last forever
For only you
The price of freedom
Born again
He says
That we'll be born again
Into rats and hell
For a dollar death
For your twisted mind
And, it will happen here
No, no not again
No, no not again