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jamie campbell bower

Aka the hottest man to walk on earth

Damn! I wish I could suck on Jamie Campbell Bowers hand.

by Mommy k September 21, 2022


To realize a statement you have made is "trump"-able (see trump definition) and say this after the statement

" i am a whale, bower-power"

"i went to planet jupiter last night, bower-power"

by jack.c.182 November 24, 2009

1👍 4👎

Jack Bauer (Bower)

When a man drinks a beer in the shower while rubbing one out.

Person A: I totally took a Jack Bauer (Bower) before you guys came over!
Persons B &C: Why are you telling us this?
Person A: Because I needed to use it in a sentence for Urban Dictionary...
Persons B &C: We're going to leave now...

by Legacy II November 6, 2015

bill denbrough x henry bowers

Bill Denbrough X Henry Bowers is a ship between two fictional characters from Stephen King's IT. Their ship name is Binry.

"Binry is my OTP!"

"I know, right? Bill Denbrough X Henry Bowers for life!"

by Binry_Is_My_OTP January 7, 2019

10👍 15👎

john bowers

John bowers: a very gay kid that will do anything for some gay dick but will persistently say no homo until he is satisfied with his decision.

That guy is such a mf john bowers

by @yaboy defines December 31, 2020

Mrs. Bowers

We completely got you, we win you lose, game over, you played yourself.

Mrs. Bowers you lose

by woodpilecoops February 1, 2017

Kaitlin Bower

Poacher of Pastries
• Slayer of Fakes
Destroyer of every soul unfortunate enough to face her on the soccer field

also low key a vampire

Arabidopsis Control: Oh my glucose, is that Kaitlin Bower?! We need to get out of here!

Arabidopsis Variable: *wheeze* I-I can’t do it, son... I don’t know what they’ve been putting in my water but it ain’t easy on the cells. *wheeze*

Arabidopsis Control: No! I can’t leave you behind! I won’t just let my dad die!

Arabidopsis Variable: Just *cough* just go on without me, son. Enjoy the next 3 weeks of your life in peace.

Arabidopsis Control: M-maybe you’ll be ok? She’s only supposed to be weeding today, s-so maybe you’ll just be relocated.

Arabidopsis Variable: Do you remember the last time she tried to weed us?! Did you forget the September massacre?!?! Just face it, son, im a goner...just go...

Arabidopsis Control: b-but maybe-

Arabidopsis Variable: GO!!!

Kaitlin Bower: *snaps*

Half our Arabidopsis: *dies*

by Desbrett November 26, 2018