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sigma sigma boy sigma boy

It is a reference to the russian song which turned into a meme in 2024. It is used when someone does a sigma-like act.

*A boy rejects a girl asking him out* Sigma sigma boy sigma boy

by Gstar_ January 6, 2025

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

sigma sigma boy sigma boy

a sigma boy

that guy is sigma sigma boy sigma boy

by centriole December 11, 2024

8๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boys High boy

Biggest hypemen ever , dumbest clowns and the oaks of Pretoria

Oh my gosh that guy is such a Boys High Boy

by Boys High Legend November 20, 2020

Boys hug boys day

There's a boys hug girls day on 17th of october so why not there be a boys hug boys day where the boys hug the boys. On october 19 give your boy friend or soghnificant other a hig and tell them how much they mean to you

"Bro it's october 19th"
"Bro you mean so much to me, it's boys hug boys day"
"Thanks bro"

by Insom.niac October 18, 2020

Boys will be boys

A phrase used to describe classic male behavior in adolescent males. Examples include, rough-housing, fighting, yelling, or general hyperactivity.

"Dave, your son just tackled my son into the mud."
"Boys will be boys"

by JustaKid69 September 17, 2022

Boys will be boys

something moms say to either laugh at their little toddler son playing in the grass or to save their son from truthful rape accusations.

mom: "little johnny would never do something like that to a woman!"

police officer: "'little johnny' has admitted to the crime already."

mom: "oh, boys will be boys!"

police officer: "your son is going to be taken into custody, ma'am."

by doesNOTtakeituptheass June 7, 2023

Boys will be boys

Phrase mainly used by boys with 2 IQ who hope to succeed in life

Girl: Mom, this boy is hitting me
Mom: Boys will be boys
Boi: Yea bois will be bois
Group of 10 people: get them

by Psii_Psii February 26, 2024