A very good example of a Telegram Group management bot which is made by Eldian Community.
It is basically a modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy database and an entirely themed persona to make Gabi suitable for Anime and Manga group chats.
The bot also has a jealousy feature which causes others to shitpost about the bot.
Person 1: Hey are there any bots which are underestimated but are insanely awesome
Person 2: Ever heard of Gabi Braun Robot?
Person 1: Ah that bot that's op but retards don't wanna admit it
Any variety of drink laced with poison with the intention of killing or to commit suicide. From the poison drink prepareed by Hitler's girlfriend/wife in the bunker by which they commited suicide as the Allied Forces were bearing down. Also pronounced Eva Brown.
I so fucking feed up with everything that I don't know whether to make an appointment with Dr. Kovorkian or just make myself an Eva Braun cocktail.
27๐ 45๐
a position in sex where your sucking on another mans tit and your hands on his dick. then another chinese man is licking out your ass
rudi braun specializes in the rudi braun position
26๐ 59๐
The famous catch phrase of liner blown when soemthing bad happens. Popularised by r/okbuddyreiner
Liner: Hey butthole
Birthcontrol: Hi lainah
Reiner: SEX NOW
Buttoast: No, you so slutty
Reiner Braun I want to Kill Myself
18๐ 3๐
a large ginger that demands respect, but it's usually hard to determine why it should be given to him. generally lacks a soul.
did you see pat braun in the gingers have souls video?
a barrel chested larger man whose appearance is that of scottish decent. (i.e. a large white humanate)
"HIGHLAND BRAUN" The mans appearance was that of a larger frame and mass index, due to his "Scottish highland" decent.