A person who is so comfortable with their own sexuality that they will make sexual jest towards members of the same sex. Occasionally resulting in being misconstrued as homosexual flirting.
John: "That test was so hard!"
Peter: "I'll give you something hard."
John: "Ha fuck you."
Peter: "Yes, please."
Carol: "Why are you guys acting so gay?"
John: "Nahh we are just being bromosexual"
A term for straight boys who have benefits with their friends
hey those guys are bromosexuals
(1.) The Bromosexual, or Bro by abbreviation, is a heterosexual man who enjoys the social company of his close friends more than anybody else currently in that man's social surroundings. Often times he will have a few different groups of male friends to socialize with just in case of being rejected or exiled from one or more groups. These types of men tend to be lacking in overall life stability, poor career standing, and are highly prone to not only making horrible life decisions but also repeating said mistakes without claiming responsibility. A Bromosexual typically seeks out attention from those who can regularly supply his consumption habits whether it be food, alcohol, drugs, etc without any cost the the bromosexual. Bros are also noted for not having drivers license nor utility bills in their names. Oftentimes bromosexuals will not have empathy towards former bromosexuals who have paired with a woman for marriage, and will instead attempt to hide their shallow emotions by pretended the former bro is "whipped"!
(2.) A young male that refuses to accept female interaction within a social group mostly made up of males and will often times become emotionally unstable when the other males of the group 10 to leave for female interaction.
(3.) Formerly an athlete in his youth, a bromosexual will usually encompass the environment of a bar or locations where either drugs or alcohol can be obtained, in hopes of joining other Bros to display dominance and incompetence.
Do you see that guy over there? Back in high school he got kicked off of the football team then a year later he dropped out and now he does is bum beer and drugs off of his friends. That is what we call a bromosexual.
Any person who is in the process of becoming a bro by completing bro trials or other equal feats to achieve the title of "bro". I.e, someone who wants to be a bro but is incapable at the moment. These people might be:
1. Nerds
2. Girls
3. People over the age of 27
Bro 1: Bro, that nerd is starting to bulk up.
Bro 2: Yeah man, I think I saw him at the gym the other. With out his books!
Bro 1: Dude, he's totes a closet bromosexual.
Bro 1: Dude my friend Emily is totes one of the guys, she even hooked me up with her hot friend!
Bro 2: Nice bro, that's one of the biggest bro trials to complete. She is such a closet bromosexual!
1👍 2👎