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A cunty ass motherfucking dumbass buffoon!!!!

People who say they are a

" johnmarstonfanatic20193419283213298598487514781325348312125351327852654877879873218732182318213898718231754876365781532461358271328753826751328567328325115328251386 "

without being epic swan pose!!

other examples are people who take very famous quotes all the time such as.

"maybe if you wasn't bussin' off them yerkies all day you'duh thunk of a better plan, dingo!" - John Marston
“You sir, are a fish” -Arthur Morgan

Jimmy Carper: "Warren J. harding just saidd he was a johnmarstonfanatic20193419283213298598487514781325348312125351327852654877879873218732182318213898718231754876365781532461358271328753826751328567328325115328251386"

kelvin coolidge: "He is such a A cunty ass motherfucking dumbass buffoon!!!! Am I right William Raft?"

Fester Arthur: Agreed!

by non epik swan pose January 8, 2025

to buffoon and cartoon yourself

(in Russian изображать: конкретно испоганить и испохабить образ и подобие по которому вас создал бог)

for a rational and pragmatic person, neither a comedy actor nor a clown by profession, to make a buffone of one's self in public.

even if you may be a Jim Carey or Harry Houdini by profession, the phrase to buffoon and cartoon yourself isn't supposed to be part of your vocabulary, at least when you are in civilized society

by Sexydimma January 4, 2015

bulk-buying buffoon

Humorous term for the total jackass that you feel like after making a large-quantity purchase of something in an attempt to save money in the long run, but then discover that you don't need nearly so much of the product as you'd expected you would.

A good example of a bulk-buying buffoon would be someone who liked repairing old VHS cassettes and therefore bought several large rolls of half-inch-wide splicing-tape instead of the much-costlier-per-foot dinky little tape-rolls that you usually find included in tape-splicing kits, only to discover that most of the movies he liked were now available on DVD, and so he would seldom have a need to splice broken videotapes anymore.

by QuacksO August 8, 2018

Pie-faced BUFFOON

insult for a buffoon (idiot) who is pie-faced.

He is a pie-faced buffoon because he stole my yogurt. "You pie-face buffoon!"

by Zangaroo1 January 31, 2020