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v. burninated, burninating, burninates
1: To completely and utterly destroy by fire.

1: The entire forest was burninated due to one careless campfire.

by Marshall Finch January 6, 2006

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the act of burninating

burninating the country side, peasents and cottages.

by Alisha August 1, 2003

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to set fire to something (usually peasants, thatch-roofed cottages and/or knights)

Trogdor burninates the countryside.

by Nico Robin July 30, 2003

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To acccomplish a goal or task. Possibly at a fast pace or speed.

John BURNINATED right through his english paper and recieved an A+.

by Trogdor123 February 15, 2008

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1)When some one is 'hittin' up a girl. 2) Or some one wants to go out with a girl. 3) or some one wants to have sex or do sexual things to a girl.

You burnin' that shit bro?
Yo man that chicks sexy, burn that?

Equivilant to: are you gonna dip that girl?

by Donatzz March 21, 2007

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alt. usage: to defeat soundly.

I totally burninated that chemistry test!

My football team just got burninated 45-0

by Logan G November 16, 2003

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Meaning To Have An STD or Sexualy Transmitted Disease.

Boooooy That Bitch Burnin' Like Shit

by Ray_5 December 30, 2008

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