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To lie to your partner and go with somone else behind theyr back.

Going Out With A Boy Or A Girl And Make out/Sleep With Somone Else and leave it to theyr best friend to tell him

Or Just to be a filthy whore and shagg who ever you want behind the person you "Really like" or "Love" back

SDawwg:Did he cheat on me?
D,Dawwwg:Yehh with some girl, he pulled her durring the gig

by butttbutttface July 1, 2009

41๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

the Cheat

A furry little yellow creature that looks like a cross between a cheese and an anvil... which are two of the finest things in life. The Cheat lives in the KoT's barbacue, makes crude animated movies on his iMac, and does a mean impression of Strong Sad's left foot. He also accomponies Strong Bad and Strong Mad while they make mischief and wreak havoc in the cartoons on Homestarrunner.com.


the Ch-eet


the Chor-t (in Coach Z's crazy canuck accent)

by DYNOMITE!!! August 27, 2003

322๐Ÿ‘ 152๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Cheat

The small, yellow, and incredibly awesome animal who helps Strong Bad. Also a friend of Strong Mad.

The Cheat makes up about a third of Strong Badia's poulation.

by Eh, Steve! June 13, 2003

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

the Cheat

Somone who is yellow that looks like an an anvil, a cheese, or a Pikachu that Helps somone cheat! See (Strong Bad)

Oh the Cheat, where did we go wrong!

by Sam C. September 27, 2003

32๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Creativly solving a problem in your favor

Simple math test... get caught "cheating" just say "Its not cheating its creative problem solving"

by Anonymous August 21, 2003

49๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


to be sexually unfaithful, to commit adultry

I knew she was cheating! I knew it all along.

by Light Joker May 3, 2006

153๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cheating (also called gulling) is an act of lying, deception, fraud, trickery, imposture, or imposition. Cheating characteristically is employed to create an unfair advantage, usually in one's own interest, and often at the expense of others. Cheating implies the breaking of rules. The term "cheating" is less applicable to the breaking of laws, as illegal activities are referred to by specific legal terminology such as fraud or corruption. Most people say cheating is bad, and it's wrong. There is also that popular phrase everyone loves to use: "When you cheat, you're really cheating yourself." Is this true? I say: HELL NO! If you get away with cheating in school, GOOD GOING. I have cheated on tests, homework, projects and other assignments all through my scholastic career, beginning (at least from what I can recall) the 3rd grade, up through college. It's something I take pride in. I feel very good about myself when I cheat on a major exam and get away with it, and it's an art form that I continually improve upon as time goes by, new methods are discovered, and requirements change

According to PBSkids.org, here is a list of common arguments AGAINST cheating, I am going to respond to each point individually.

Cheating can get you in serious trouble
Every school has a cheating policy, and punishments can be pretty harsh, starting with an automatic F or Zero on the test or assignment, and going all the way up to getting kicked out of school. If you cheat to get a better grade, you're taking a big risk of getting a much worse grade that will seriously set you back. Getting booted from school will set you back even more.

My response: Only if you get caught! Don't get caught, and you won't get in any trouble.

Cheating is unfair to you
You've probably heard an old saying that goes: "When you cheat, you're really cheating yourself." Sure, it sounds corny, but it does make a lot of sense. School can help make you a better person in many ways, and help you learn the things you need to live a fulfilling life. If you never really learn these things because you're cheating, then all you're going to learn is how to cheat! It can be difficult to look towards the future like that when you're freaking about tomorrow's big test, but try to have faith in the big picture.

My response: Unfair? What the hell? I'm not even going to respond to this cause I think this claim is so absolutely bogus.

My friend Veerus had his own response: School is unfair to you too! Most of the shit you're required to take in school, you will never need in your life. Unless you're a physics/math major, why the FUCK would you need calculus 3?? So if you're forced to take these fuck-tarded courses which will not teach you anything, then save time for yourself and cheat. Once you pass the class one way or the other, you'll forget about the shit you supposedly learned anyway, so take the easy way out.

Cheating is unfair to your friends
It's important to play fair in games and sports, and that goes for school, too. If you've ever had a friend who was so determined to win at all costs that she cheated at whatever game you played, you know how upsetting this can be. You're playing by the rules, and then someone does better than you by breaking the rules. It stinks, and it's unfair. When you cheat in school to get better grades, it's unfair to the kids who actually studied and did the work.

My response: Fuck my friends. Let them cheat too. The only way its unfair is if the test/assignment is graded on a curve. If that's the case, fuck the teacher, because that's the most ridiculous way of grading. Grades are for individuals, and shouldn't be based on class performance. So cheat anyways and do better.

Cheating can lead to more cheating
Have you ever told a lie, and then found that you had to tell more and more lies just to hide the fact that you told a lie in the first place? Cheating can be like this, too. Say, for instance, someone didn't want to learn the multiplication table, so instead she wrote down the answers on her binder. When the class starts doing more difficult problems, she won't know the basics and might cheat to make up for it. Every time you cheat, you're not learning skills and lessons that could be important later on.

My response: I hope that's true. The more practice you get at cheating, the better you will become at it. Remember, practice makes perfect.

Cheating destroys trust
In order for school to work smoothly, students and teachers have to trust one another. People who cheat are telling their teachers that they're not trustworthy, and this can make getting through the school year a lot more difficult. Your teacher might be suspicious of everything you hand in, and it can be very hard to win back that trust.

My response: Trust my ass. I don't trust any of my goddamn teachers to begin with. And besides, if no one knows I'm cheating (since I wont get caught) how would it destroy trust?

Cheating is the same as lying
Some people who get away with cheating on a test or homework assignment will brag about it to friends, like it's something to be proud of or that proves how clever they are. But it's not so common to hear someone bragging about being a liar, right? That's because most of us don't think very highly of someone who lies. Think about this: every time you hand in schoolwork that you cheated on, it's like telling the teacher that you did it totally on your own. If this isn't true, then what you're doing is lying.

My response: If you are saying that I'm lying to my teacher... again, SO FUCKING WHAT. Lying to my friends.. well that's not good, I need friends. I don't need teachers, not beyond the semester I'm with them anyhow. So fuck the long-term consequences of lying to some professor I'll never see again.

You can't be proud of cheating
When you accomplish something on your own, it makes you proud. Remember the first time you rode a bike by yourself? It probably felt great. Now imagine that you never rode that bike by yourself, but always had training wheels to help you. You wouldn't be as proud, would you? Cheating is like having those training wheels on your bike all the time. You might get an A on a test or an assignment, but you'll know that you really didn't earn it.

My response: YOU'RE DAMN STRAIGHT I'M PROUD OF CHEATING. Are you kidding me? There is no better feeling in the world (save for sex, and taking a good piss when you really gotta go) than getting away with cheating your balls off during some final exam or major project. Why spend hours studying when you can get the same grade in 10 minutes!

by skools4losers October 23, 2008

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