Guy: What are you doing
Other Guy: Choping wood!
Guy: Oh god why in front of me!!!!
An alternative name for “Upskirting” (the act of taking a phone under a woman’s dress or skirt with out her knowledge) Choping is named after the man who stopped a bill from passing which would of made Upskirting/Choping illegal in Britain (Chope). See The Last Leg S14E1
Did you hear someone choped Lucy.
Turns out Mikes been Choping the girls in town.
The act of surreptitiously photographing someone from below up their skirt. Previously known as "upskirting", this was renamed when renowned cunt and Tory MP Sir Christopher Chope blocked a move to make this illegal. The resulting images are known as "Chopies".
"I went out last night, lots of birds out so time for a bit of Choping. Went well, I got loads of Chopies"
To secretly take a picture up a girls skirt
“that guy just choped up her skirt” “he was choping”
The act of taking an upskirting picture without consent in the U.K. Named after the Dingleberry MP who prevented it being made illegal.
Look that massive ass hat is Choping that girl!
A slang term for ‘upskirting’ from the Conservative MP Sir Christopher Chope who blocked legislation to make ‘upskirting’ illigal. See ‘Twat’.
He should get done for Choping. The dirty Choper.
The act of taking photographs or video footage up a woman's skirt without their knowledge or consent.
I saw that politician choping a woman on the train