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Stop trying to be consequences guy. You're not consequences guy. It isn't real. If I put my hand on a stove... And it doesn't burn my hand... And then you walk up to me and burn my hand because YOU THINK that 'society' needs people to be afraid of putting their hands on stoves... That is not the consequences of my actions... You are doing that to me... Because you're a piece of shit. And you're PRETENDING TO BE ME... Because you know I'm better than you.

Hym "So, if you want proof that game isn't real... Let's look at Destiny's game in he leaks messages with 'Oh wah, I'm so depressed. I'm having fantasies about a younger man being shown the ropes by an older woman. Omega lulz poggers I'm a 37 year old man who says poggers and pretends to be another man.' It's super embarrassing. There should be consequences for that. I vote death!"

by Hym Iam November 27, 2024


And when he says consequences he means "For the poor people who 'aren't are resource efficient' and are only guilty of the crime of controlling their own brain chemistry" and not "consequences for rich charlatans and 'important' people"

Hym "Yes but the consequences will never come for the rich and what it's going to end up looking like is female crackheads getting put up in shelters and male crackheads being locked in a cage."

by Hym Iam May 22, 2023


Yes yes we’ve heard it all before be choices have consequences, don’t they?

Hym “You’re dodging the question. What would be the consequences of me and several other men doing exactly the same thing in the exact same context? You know what it would be. You know exactly what would happen because I’ve already told you. We’re going to find out whether or not they can handle public life one way or the other. I’m tired of pieces of shit like them being shielded from the consequences of their own actions. I’m not giving you a choice. I’m making you pick your poison. Something you don’t want to do or something objectively worse BY YOUR OWN CRITERIA. You’re getting the same choice they got. Be grateful you’re even getting a say in the matter because I sure as hell didn’t”

by Hym Iam September 28, 2022