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Crouching Panda

The Crouching Panda occurs when you are climbing a flight of stairs and you trip on a step. You put your hands out and catch yourself before you break your face on the steps. This position you are in is called the "Crouching Panda". If this occurs at school, your backpack may fly over your head and block your vision possibly causing you to trip some more. This makes the "Crouching Panda" twice as funny to see and three times more embarrassing.

"Dude, i was checkin' out this girls ass when i was going up the stairs, and i pulled a crouching panda. It was so embarrassing..."

by Chase61 January 26, 2010

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The Crouch Pouch

1. A name for metaphorical storage place.
2. Nicholas Crouch's ballsack.

ex: Q: "whered you put your pencil?"
R: "in my Crouch Pouch."

ex: "I touched The Crouch Pouch"

by nich43 October 16, 2010

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Ally Crouch

Ally picked her nose in class today and she sits next to me in science!!!
Ally smells like boogers and poop and her breath has tuna!!!!

Allys last name is crouch if her last name is crouch she is WORST (I call her Ally crutch LOL)

ew look at Ally Crouch she smells

by IWantNoLivePls September 2, 2020

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crouch potato

another word to describe FECES.

Hey Larry and Khalid, I'm gonna plant a crouch potato in the toilet. Hold my calls!

by E to the V December 12, 2007

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jeremy crouch

a man that is from asia. He has a big dick that he has to drag where ever he goes which makes it useless. Also known as crouching tiger


Crouch ing Tiger

Jeremy Crouch we been here for hour

by Roberto Montoya July 11, 2008

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Fire crouch

Term used to describe the crouch of a redhead chick. The curtains match the carpet

"Omg look at that fire crouch, I would get lost for days in that busch"

by Masson December 3, 2004

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Crouching Tiger

When a woman pegs her man in the ass, hitting his G-spot, while crouching over to simultaneously suck his dick. While this could be considered a domme act, the incentive is usually for the utmost enhancement of the man's pleasure, i.e., having his G-spot hit while getting head.

Last night I texted Kate telling her I had a stressful day at work. She said she had a special surprise for me. Well, dinner on the table and a massage was great, but once we were in bed, she really made my toes curl with this sex move she called the "crouching tiger." Best orgasm of my life. I picked out a ring at Jared's on lunch break. You can't just not wife that.

by freakylittleblonde20 June 16, 2013

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