The ultimate one hit kill spell, only used by the most skilled of wizards
Guy: Hey buddy, you looking for trouble?
Wizard: You leave me no choice, Zippity do da zippity dae your mother has the super gay
Guy: *dies*
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A short, classy, and badass way of saying you "don't give a fuck" or "oh well, tough shit." Usually from one stuck up bitch to another.
Example 1: Miranda says Jenny's hair looks ridiculous right now, and continues to laugh at Jenny's shamelessness. Jenny then flicks her stogie off into the distance, walking away saying, "O dae vua." over her shoulder.
Example 2: Miranda asks how Jenny could just break up with Matias the Great, who's obviously the most handsome prince in all the land and has so much to offer. Jenny smirks, and says, "O dae vua."
it means "bald fade" it can basically be used as any word. It can also mean the N word. but in certain sentences
"you got a barv dae" "ugly ass barv dae"
Dae is a name that needs head asap if he doesn’t get head we will die!
1: To be 100% serious about the subject matter being discussed.
A misspelt deadass.
2: Literally ISIS
Guy 1: Yo Finn what you doing right now?
Guy 2: I'm daes pissed at this science assignment.