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fat girl at a Dairy Queen

An alcoholic beverage made from equal parts of Bailey's, Creme de Menthe and Sambuca.

I ordered a Fat Girl at a Dairy Queen from the bartender, but he couldn't make it as he was out of Sambuca.

by TheGuyWhoGoesToBedTooEarly February 13, 2013

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dairy queen dipped cone

When your partner slockes a wet turd on your penis then they lick it off

β€œyo, did you hear about the dairy queen dipped cone that hoe bag gave?”

by RealSlocker June 14, 2018

Windsor Heights Dairy Queen

A good place for u kno what.

Windsor Heights Dairy Queen is good place for u kno what.

by RoundenBrown December 27, 2022

Blow up a Dairy Queen

To take a huge shit.

"Dude, you were in there for like an hour!"

"Yeah, I blew up a Dairy Queen."

by stevo April 12, 2004

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Smells like dairy queen

Smells like dairy queen - when a hooker puts on a ton of cheap perfume and goes to work.

Bob - It smells like dairy queen in here!

Cass - Sorry I just want to be pretty!

by Bahamas128 March 22, 2013

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Riding my horse to Dairy Queen

The act of mounting one’s bed post and neighing loudly while eating soft serve ice cream

I’m gonna be riding my horse to Dairy Queen later, wanna cum along?

by Gmork the Wolf November 26, 2021

Dairy Queen Body

A bbw with curves resembling the ice cream part of a dairy queen cone

Look over there Homer check out the lady with the Dairy Queen Body

by Najmo114 October 12, 2021