When you don't like a girl anymore and you have to raise your standards to a higher level.
"Yo, you still like that girl?"
"Nah bruh, I have New Demands"
A demand that someone attributed to you.
Her demandments were too extreme to fulfill .
Demanding Commandments
You're going to drag me into this voice chat and listen to my demandments!
Demanding Commandments
You're going to drag me into this voice chat and listen to my demandments.
A question that is asked in a demeanor that's demanding like an officer of the law would when he pulls over and asks for an unlawful suspects' driver's license.
A person is more likely to ask-demand more for your annoyance than for genuinity.
Susie: So Ann, are we having a sleep over tonight again? Remember u promised? And you said!
Ann: Yeah but it's only been 6 days since the last time you spent a night! My Mother ask demand why you were spending-a-night so often.
Susie: Should you just tell your Mom that we're just Besties ?
The team filled with rockstars, they solve things real-time, will not be afraid to jump in and chime and most importantly track everything in time.
Mnet Demand team is the team to be in!
The most inconsequential demamds from a party that no one honestly cares to deal with.
1: Tony just told me to stop hitting on his girlfriend or he'll nuke ukraine or something crazy, I didn't get the whole thing. He was rambling on about something.
2: Everybody knows Tony, that guy has no girlfriend and he won't do shit. He's stalking that girl. Don't give into his Russian demands.