A place where unmotivated students and unmotivated teachers are put in a classroom for the last 2 weeks of the school.
"Last two weeks of school and I'm so bored. It must be discovery terms."
When you need to burn some time and you come up with random bullshit.
I did discovery friday.
"Terrible. I go there and people bully me and the teachers don't care. DON'T GO HERE," AlphaBlazerGaming. This school has weird kids and there is always drama and kids screaming at each other. The teachers are good, but the some of the kids here are crazy devils.
(math class)
girl- I got 65 as my answer.
boy- The hell I got 63!
girl- I don't care get a life!
girl- SCUSE ME!
teacher-...sits there and watches...
Easterbrook Discovery School
If you are a teacher, I am pretty sure you are slanging self-discoveries: The First Juvenile Release
A penis going into a new hole.
Can you go in my back door with your Discovery Shaft?
A bunch of white rich kids who are assholes. they all win in every sport cause they’re parents put them in a rich club or team all their life. all they care about is cheer and football and all the girls are full of drama and they’re all bitches. And all the white guys think moaning is the funniest thing on earth…
Jason:(example) Yo what school do you go to bro??
Max:(example) discovery middle school!!
Jason:(example) oh so you’re a stuck up rich asshole?
The process of recieving inspiration from animals while having sex. Having sex like animals usually on nature programs on the Discovery Channel. The way animals have sex (no shame) rough, animal-like, frenzied sex.
Orginated in Bloodhound Gang songs.
Man, we were really Discovery channelling last night!
Hey baby, I would like to do some Discovery channelling with you tonight.