Source Code

do you know what i am saying?

a line from the south park episode when butters is a pimp.

kyle: butters, i think we should talk.
butters: well sure, kyle.
kyle: don't you see this is wrong? your getting little boys spending all there lunch money on kisses. it's wrong.
butters: kyle, everyone pays for kisses, do you know what i am saying? if you got a girl, and she kisses you, sooner or later, you're paying for it.

by frontbacksidetoside11 August 5, 2010

54πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Do you know who else has dementia?

Do you know who else has dementia? Do you know who else has dementia? Do you know who else has dementia? Do you know who else has dementia? Do you know who else has dementia? Do you know who else has dementia?

Do you know who else has dementia?

Do you know who else has dementia?

by Xosmic February 18, 2023

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Do you know when we get out?

The most asked question in any highschool, ever.

"Hey." "Do you know when we get out?"

by Gingy of the Cosmos September 13, 2018

do you know anyone from gobles?

it is the code word you use when you dont wanna date that person because you think he is a total jerk face. jerkface being someone who is very inconsiderate of others, doesnt like you for who you are, and is all around not important.

t-leaf.. do you know anyone from gobles?
(then you walk away)

by chubs&&chowder June 24, 2008

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

do you know what i mean like

An unintelligent filler phrase used by people who like the kardashians. It adds zero value to a conversation.

Yesterday my cat ate the dog food, do you know what I mean like?

by KardashianLover3142 May 3, 2016

14πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Do you know vot time eet ees?

Eet ees time for a TOTAL RECALL in Kaleefonia!!!

I vill tuhrminate Gray Davis!

by Bleurgh Resurgent January 28, 2005

17πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Do you know da wae?

A shitty meme that will die out soon.

A Ugandan knuckles asked me β€œdo you know da wae?” so I said,”no i don’t, and I don’t give a shit either!”

by KinGValliC January 18, 2018

2πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž