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Don't call me that in public.

The automatic response when somebody says "Jesus Christ!" in exasperation. It implies that the person thinks you are divine compared to their sorry ass. There is also an undercurrent of blatant self-promotion, in that it's fine for them to call you the Lord behind closed doors, but you don't want them embarrassing themselves in public. This usually pisses them off, but it stops them from whining.

It can also be used when someone yells, "Jesus!" "God" or some related phrase.

Does not necessarily need to be used in public.

Mary: "eh my God, it is soooo hot outside. Jesus Christ!"
You: "Don't call me that in public."
Mary: "What?"
You: "You heard me."
Mary: "What?"
You (patronizing): "Shhhh..."

by Lunaman January 24, 2007

288๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Don't drone me, bro!

The recent media attention given to remote piloted drones is shedding light on a perfect example of US government getting drunk with power. The powers that be think they have the authority to spy on, and even murder citizens without this thing we have called "DUE PROCESS", under the guise of keeping us safe from terrorism. I personally do not want the skies above filled with weaponized, spying, unmanned aircraft, so my reply is, "DON'T DRONE ME, BRO!"

Guy 1: what the hell happened to your face?

Guy 2: I got stopped at a DHS checkpoint. After refusing to be searched, I was about to get let go and I said, "Don't drone me, bro!". That infuriated the agent, he called his supervisor. Next thing I know, I guess I smarted off too much to them, so they tazed me, pulled me out of the car and beat my ass for quote, threatening behavior, unquote...

Guy 1: did they find your stash?

Guy 2: No they didn't, nor the 2 mexicans i was smuggling into the country in the trunk.

Guy 1: Good, lets roll one....

by Davester75 March 16, 2013

59๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

You don't know me

"You don't know me" is an incredibly brilliant statement that you can resort to when Mr. Jack Daniels is making it harder for you to say things that make sense.

Cop: Sir, have you been drinking tonight?
Me: You don't know me.

by S4lutDude! December 29, 2010

159๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Traditional hairpiece worn by women to keep their hair out of their face. Common characteristics of a don't-touch-me-scrunchie are when it's worn; ridiculously tight pulled back hair, a pissed-off look on the womans face and a walk that would plow anybody over if they got in her way.

Chris- "I saw your ex walking out of the bank the other day."

John- "Oh yeah? How did she look??"

Chris- "She was wearing sunglasses, an angry look on her face and her hair was pulled back really tight in a don't-touch-me-scrunchie."

by bigcatspecial June 2, 2010

Don't Stop Me Now

A song by the most amazing band in the world, Queen. The song is so fucking upbeat and happy that i accredit it for single handedly pulling me out of a horrible depression. Why be all depressed for no reason when Freddy Mercury was DYING from AIDS (and still made a song as happy as this)? There's worse shit in the world than your own.

Emo Kid: My mommy doesn't love me, I'm going to go cut myself QQ


by Tyluhhh August 11, 2008

92๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Don't tase me bro

The hip thing to say after resisting arrest

Owww! Owwwwwwwwww! What did I do?! Stop it! Don't tase me bro! Don't tase me!

by lolwutwutwut September 22, 2007

231๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

don't tase me bro

Famous utterance of University of Florida student Andrew Meyer, who was tasered and arrested by the illustrious UF police department after either:

a. Merely asking some legitimate questions to Senator and former Presidential Candidate John Kerry

b. Engineering a scene for publicity

Whether you believe it was "a" or "b" will likely vary with your age, political persuasion, and belief in the necessity of genuine political discourse.

As Meyer fought the officers on the ground, they threatened to taser him. Meyer stated that if allowed up, he would leave. The officer replied that he does not have that option. Meyer yelled,"Don't tase me bro, don't tase me", but was drive stunned shortly after. -one account of the incident

by mrpotty September 19, 2007

336๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž