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Pronounced douche-E-A

A person who is an even bigger douchebag than your average run of the mill douchebag.

This guy I work with told me he just broke up with his online girlfriend and he told me he wanted to fuck anything that walks. Then he asked if i had any single friends. Later that day the doucheyer sent me a LinkedIn request with a winky face and his number and told me to text him sometime.

by Kesquire January 3, 2013

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The state or condition of showing douche like behavior.

Franny was on top of her doucheyness when she cut off that guy in during rush hour.

by ByMyLastBreath March 13, 2008

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The practice of being a total & complete douche bag.

Describing the common behavior of a typical Jack-ass

I detected an awful lot of doucheyism in that family

by Team Nelson MN August 18, 2010

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douchey taco

a 'douchey taco' is a little stupid bastard who likes to look at men's buttocks but pretends to like women.

"Man, he was a douchey taco?"
"Yeah but at least he was trying to hide it by dating a girl."

by awkwardgirly April 7, 2016

Douchey McDouchebag

What your girlfriend can be after you deny her sex...

Me: Naw no sex tonight babe...
Girlfriend: Ugh you're not even on your period I hate you. *slams door in face*
Me: Well maybe if you weren't such a Douchey McDouchebag I wouldn't mind having sex with you.

by Quellie Quel February 11, 2014

Douchey Violin Player

A chad who plays the violin.

Damn look at that douchey violin player, he's so full of himself.

by tudeep November 27, 2020

Faux Douchey

used to describe attributes which initially seem douchey, but upon further reflection, are realized to be inconsistent with being a "douchebag."

Faux douchebag: "I don't drink beer I only drink hard alcohol."
Observer 1: "What a douchey comment."
Observer 2: "That's not even douchey; it's worse. Douchebags obviously drink beer. That's faux douchey."

by CoffeeDrinker August 17, 2010