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dumb shit don't know nun

When you go and ask a question and they don't know it but it's a simple question

Hey mark whats 2\2?

Oh it's 8

Dumb shit don't know nun

Bro it's 1

by Myaaagotbandzz November 16, 2023

Dumb Little Shit Gremlin

A very short individual who wears glasses and is partiaally a knowitall, and is just particularly terrible at most things

Listen here you dumb little shit gremlin.

by Rorshach1234567890 August 16, 2024

dumb-shit bullshit

The pointless explanations to why a lie should be believable. Extra lies that make what someone said sound even more stupid than the original lie itself.

He said he wasn’t there so i showed him the pictures. Then he gave me some dumb-shit bullshit about how some dude made a mask that looks like him to make me mad and i fell for that dudes dumb-shit bullshit .

by I’mBoomboombaby April 8, 2022

dumb as shit

The person reading this.

You're dumb as shit.

by toeney January 22, 2020

dumb as shit

referring to any organism that can move and is also very stupid

Me: that guy is dumb as shit
That guy: :(

by drunkenmidget March 14, 2022

#dumb shits

A word used by an idiot who is offended that a person that's black believes they have rights

I don't like that guy cause he hangs out with #dumb shits

by Anomity+ December 3, 2019

Dumb Shit

The kind of shit you do on a daily basis that leads you to finding this definition in the first place. It usually involves an action that can be described as completely frivolous and fucking retarded, or to the common man, stupid shit. It can also be used to describe someone who is equally fucking retarded and needs confirmation that the party isn't starting at 6 AM when someone tells them it starts at 6:00. A better term to call someone in this case is "obtuse dunderfuck".

"Hey I'm gonna go out tonight and vandalize the school! Wanna come with me?"

"No fuckass, I'm not doing any dumb shit like that."

by inscrutable_Idiot August 17, 2019