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dumpster diving

fucking your ex because you have nobody else to fuck

I went dumpster diving again!

by angie December 13, 2003

3๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dead Man's Dumpster Diving

DMDD - Dead Man's Dumpster Diving

My next neighbor died a few weeks ago, so workers are cleaning out his house, throwing a lot of good stuff into a dumpster in his driveway. I've been making numerous clandestine (so my wife doesn't know) Dead Man's Dumpster Diving visits to get some nice things out of the dumpster.

by Philly Hockey Player December 19, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

cum guzzling dumpster diving whore

someone whose a cum guzzling dumpster diving whore

mira is such a cum guzzling dumpster diving whore

by cock_sucker14 May 18, 2021

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Attending a Trump rally; dangerous yet necessary risky behavior.

Despite the risk, I went dumpster-diving and attended a Trump rally.

by BD from EA November 1, 2020

Dumpster Diving

1.The act of digging in one's ass, with blatant disregard to other's awareness in group situations or public places.

2. When your at a bar and the bartender hollers LAST CALL and you've been striking out all night so you order 3 shots of tequila and just take what you can get.

3.The act of plowing a very UNattractive "person" in their dirty anus!!

While at the weekly corporate meeting I looked around the room in boredom, which quickly turned into disgust as I noticed Kevin was Dumpster Diving

by King_Love420 February 10, 2022

Dumpster Diving

Searching for a past favorite pornographic video by sifting through low quality porn

*Thinking to self*: "Oohh that one video was awesome. Can't remember the title though... Guess I'll have to do some dumpster diving"

by Dumpster Diving September 28, 2021

Dumpster diving

Dumpster diving is when you go inside a dumpster and look for trash that might be useful.

Liam:oi mate wanna go dumpster diving?
Oliver:dumpster what?
Liam:blud just get in a bin and search for shit.

by XxurbandictionairxX November 18, 2018