A gift from a crackhead clown in the fucking storm drain
You want penis enlargement pills
When a mood is bigger than a big mood (bood), it is an enlarged bood.
When I was in the middle of a Depressive Episode™ and my phone played five Sufjan Stevens songs in a row on shuffle, it was an enlarged bood.
So, Big Shark Penis Enlargement Oil is a product sold on AliExpress that claims to herbally increase a man’s penis length and width. Claims to have thousands of happy customers.
Perhaps I need to purchase some Big Shark Penis Enlargement Oil as a gift for the office Secret Santa party. How fun will that be?!
penis enlargement is for men with small peni (Derogatory)
penis enlargement is for men with small peni
Something my friends say would make sleepovers feel much better
Boy: yo if we enlarge it, this sleepover is gonna be lit!
Other boy: enlarge what exactly?