When making a s'more, when you squeeze the marshmallow in between the graham crackers, it's all the marshmallow that bulges outside the square.
1. Dude, look at all that excess mallow on Terry's s'more.
2. Come on, you know no one ever eats their excess mallow right?
Another word for "extra".
You are so excessive, I love it.
Excessive people are the best.
You have such excessiveness, slay me away, bae!
Why do you have to be so excessive?
More than normal ..... idk how to explain it
I was on urbandictionary.com for an excessive amount of time
Another way of saying "extra".
You are so excess, I love it.
Excess people are the best.
You have such excess, slay me away, bae!
Why do you have to be so excess?
Anything done to excess is not going to be a good thing, whether it's facebook, video games, sports, exercise, eating, sex, drugs, drinking, gambling, betting, working, sleeping, caretaking, anything. Indulgence and excess is what turns something benign into something harmful.
If someone doesn't have the self control not to do everything they do to excess then yes, facebook is a bad thing, just like everything else they do will become a bad thing. If they have more than a minimal amount of self control and common sense, these things are not going to harm them or anybody else because really it should be their own business what they do if and when it isn't making life more difficult than it needs to be for others.
Another kind of excess is if any female a guy could imagine was his girl/wife and that was okay with everybody, she never already had a husband, never would rather be alone than around some ugly creep with a fucked up face, being human like anybody else. That would be a lot like everywhere and everyone being the state of Utah mixed with Las Vegas and Disney World, a neon sewer 24/7, that's the kind of world it would be. Fortunately for everybody else, not everywhere and everyone is the same, and not everywhere and everyone should be the same. Not every town needs a casino or a fantasy and built there. Not every person, place, or idea should be the same.
Not everything, everywhere, or everyone needs to be done to excess.