Source Code

Red eye Jedi

After you smoke and your eyes are red as hell

Bro I need them eye drops, we lookin like red eye Jedi

by Buuubes November 5, 2018

Raunchy Red Eye

Some old worn out asshole

Dude, she offered up the raunchy red eye to me

by DickNasty1 November 27, 2010

Red Eye Gravy

A colloquial expression for an onset case of explosive diarrhea.

Don't in that bathroom brooooh. That stool has red eye gravy all over. Someone spattered it up good.

by Eaton Holgoode February 28, 2017

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Red Eye

Much like a brown eye, you spread your buttcheeks over someone's face until they see your buttwhole, but with it being stretched to the point of turning red.

"Gave my friend a red eye the other day, now he has pink eye and made me pay for medicine."

by Pirate Jester January 5, 2009

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red-eye to jawmaica

another term for a flight to boston only this time its a red-eye to jawmaica aka some great fellatio from a female

britney from rimpau gave me a flight to boston last night , tonight im a let anaheim chocolate give me a red-eye to jawmaica

by flintheart glomgold December 8, 2010

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texas red eye

when u moon someone and spread your butt checks open so they see your ass hole.

texas red eye!!! (while mooning them with your butt checks spread open)

by O-Diezze July 5, 2006

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rise with red eyes

another way of saying "wake and bake". basically you wake up and smoke some weed aka wake and bake, rise with red eyes, turn and burn, oj and roll j, big bowl of raisin bran, big bowl of resin MAN!, listeriene and mr. green, scope and dope, pillow and billow, puffin muffin, pancake and bake, mach 3 turbo and pack that herbo, Arm and Hammer Baking Soda and Peroxide Extra Whitening Toothpaste and...

...Smoke some fuckin' WEED!!

stoner 1: yo man lets rise with red eyes tomo morning
stoner 2: word, lets do it

stoner 1: yo wake up
stoner 2: huh what
stoner 1: rise with red eyes (hands stoner 2 the blunt)

by OJ and ROLL J January 29, 2009

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