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Leaky Faucet

n. anal leakage caused by fisting

"Can you get out of the pool, Bob?"

by Manhattan Transfer March 24, 2003

46πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

nasty faucet

Another phrase for really bad diarrhea.

Fred: What took you so long? We are going to be late.
Barney: I had a bad case of nasty faucet.
Fred: That will teach you to stay away from bean and broccoli smoothies!
Barney: Opps, the faucet is about to turn on again, later.

by marstonski November 17, 2005

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Milk Faucets

Tits, preferably big ones.

Check out the milk faucets on her

by Wayne Grove May 20, 2003

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

faucet ass

When your ass runs like a faucet. Perhaps the worst way to take a poop, it can often burn on the way out, and may vary from a leaky sink to a power washer on max pressure setting in strength.

Ugh, my ass has been running like a faucet! I'm mildly upset about this!

You mean faucet ass, John.

by Buffalo Souljah April 3, 2008

30πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

leaky faucet

This boy is a good guy that would never do anything to ever hurt you. Except his a manipulative little bastard that has a decent dick. However, don’t be fooled because you literally have to the fight through Narnia and the fucking amazon rain forest to see his dick because he doesn't know how a razor works. He is called a leaky faucet because he can’t plug is holes. His dick is always expelling his nasty ass span and his eyes are always expelling tears because he’s a bitch ass. Don’t feel bad for a leaky faucet and don’t ever turn him on unless you want to be on your hands and knees cleaning up all of his nasty bodily fluids for the rest of your life.

I dated a leaky faucet and it was honestly the worst few months of my life. My pussy was always extremely dry because he could never turn me on but I managed to always be wet everywhere else.

by WeatherForcast March 27, 2022

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boston faucet

when a man ejaculated into a small cup, freezes it, then chops it up into very fine pieces. He then pours those pieces into his girlfriends nose where they will melt. She then consumes that semen into her mouth.

When you are having intercourse with your wife/girlfriend, you give her a boston faucet.

by Yumm132456654 June 6, 2010

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rubber faucet

an accidental (or intentional) grazing of a limp (still covered in cum) dick right after sex across the girls face as he reaches over to grab water, a cigarette, anything... and leaves a small trail of sticky man juice... much like a dripping faucet.

He totally rubber fauceted me last night and got me in the eyes!

by BJill69 January 25, 2011

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