a phrase from the awesome boy band TXT's song Cat & Dog sung by the one and only.....yeonjun
Yeonjun's verse: "feels like Cinderella naega byeonhae!! rONHAE!!
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"feels like cinderella naega byeonhae" is a phrase from kpop band TXT's song Cat & Dog sung by the one and only............ yeonjun.
Yeonjun's verse: feels like cinderella naega byeonhae!! ryhONHAE!!
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“who do you feel like” is a slang term expressed by certain individuals when referring to someone who exhibits arrogant or braggadocious behaviour. (“who do you feel like” can also be expressed with more specific terms like “who does this guy feel like” or “who does this girl feel like”).
Person 1: I’m telling you bro, back in my heyday before I had that knee injury I could’ve easily taken Usain Bolt in a race!
Person 2: Nahhhh who do you feel like bro
Basically feeling like shit but worse. Used to describe a state of feeling exceptionally unwell.
Person 1: Hey how are you?
Person 2: Not good, feel like shit warmed up to be honest.
Person 1: Sorry to hear that!
It is when your dick is at its best
You: I can't feel my dick
Me: well my dick feels like corn
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What one screams in agony when one's eyes feel like needles.
Often shouted hysterically when hydrochloric acid, potassium permanganate, nitric acid, citric acid or some caustic or industrial chemical enters your eyes, and you can't help but scream in pain.
Greg Gregorius (after squirting orange juice in his eye): My eyes! They feel like needles!
Me: Here, let me gouge them out for you with this plastic spoon.
Greg: No, I'm quite fine, thanks.
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when you feel like eating "Chicken Tonight" Brand product .
richie:hey mom what's for dinner.
Mrs. Cunningham:I havent decided what im going to make yet.
Richie:I feel like chicken tonight!(rondulet)
Mrs. C:Sit on it ,its 1964.
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