Flob, the sound someone makes when they throw up slugs (See Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Can also be used when fat etc. is wobbling around.
Did you about Sam, he proper flobbed, all the slugs.
Andie: I can't shut my legs because my flab is flobbing.
The word for flower blob created by moriah Elizabeth
*moriah starts recording a video*
Moriah: hey it’s me
Viewer: I wonder what she is painting today
Moriah: today I will be painting globs on various items
Viewer: what’s a flob?
Moriah: now, if you don’t know what a flob is it means you didn’t watch my last video, but, just so you aren’t confused, a flob is a word I created and it means flower blob
A flower blob made by a youtuber named moriah elizabeth (check her out)
ah yes a "flob" (flower + Blob)
Someone who doesn't contribute anything in a video game.
Damn this person had zero kills. He'a a flob!
A flower-blob created by Moriah Elizabeth in her Painting tie-dye 2 video.
Look at the Flob over there!
A flower blob. Named by Moriah Elizabeth
Alternative petal colors is very standard in the flob community