You're doing it doggy've got your finger in her butt for the sensation and a candle on her back for the ambiance.
"Dude...I was gaslighting her all night. She was ok with it until her hair caught on fire."
17👍 27👎
A term of cuckery designed to protect weak individuals from differing viewpoints under the guise of psychological abuse or manipulation.
- Biological gender is not a social construct.
- YOU'RE GASLIGHTING ME! Nooooooooooooooooooo
164👍 479👎
A word that conspiracy theorists use incorrectly as a defense mechanism when one questions their unproven or disproven claims.
Retard: Covid is a hoax
Sane person: No it's not a hoax, it is real and has killed over 3 million
11👍 18👎
Everything Intel does when something bad happens.
"Recent reports that these exploits are caused by a “bug” or a “flaw” and are unique to Intel products are incorrect(gaslighting). Based on the analysis to date, many types of computing devices — with many different vendors’ processors and operating systems — are susceptible to these exploits.(wrONG)"
25👍 61👎
When a ‘significant other’ or friend stops wanting to hang with you unless they can’t find anyone else to hang with.
Some believe this terminology roots back to the operation of a gas lantern and how it can be turned down in an instant as not to waste fuel (i.e. a persons time) and then turned back up once there is insufficient natural light (i.e. there’s no one else to hang with).
Unsuspecting Dupe: “Man, I don’t know what’s up with Emmy. Everything’s cool and then all of a sudden she won’t call for a couple weeks; then she’ll just start showing up again.”
Unsuspecting Dupes friend: “Yea, she’s gaslighting you bro’.”
224👍 747👎
What those with mental health/perception issues accuse you of doing, when really you are trying to explain your perception of what's going on.
Her: "It's a 6"
Him (Standing on the other side) "It's a 9"
Her: You're gaslighting me!
7👍 11👎