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Generation Z+ / Generation ZZZ

Origin of word: Japanese

How to read Generation Z+: Generation Z plus
How to read Generation ZZZ: Generation Triple Z

Coincides with: mid to late Gen COVID (Japan) / (Gen Zalpha / late Gen Z depending on one's definition) (Pew/USA) / Heisei Kouhan (translation: Last half of Heisei era 1989-2004/5 = early, 2005/6-2019 being late) (Japan) / 1st wave Homelanders (4th turning) (Strauss-Howe/USA) 2006-2014 = first wave, 2015-2021/22 = second wave, 2022/2023 = third wave.

Kids who knew pre-COVID years, but don't know much about the time before iPhones/iPads. These are the K-8 kids at the beginning of the COVID pandemic and graduate high school sometime between the mid-20s and early-30s (c. 2005/6-2014/5). Incidentally, in the Strauss-Howe generational theory, this will be the first wave of Homelanders (4th turning) 2015-2021/22 being 2nd wave, 2022/23-29 being 3rd wave. These kids grew up with the iPad, OG Fortnite kids.

This is after the Yutori (1988?-1994/5?), Satori Generation (1996/7?-2004/2005) in Japan. This is also after the early gen COVID (Japan): 2001-2004/5.

The term was coined by Japanese high school students in various 2022/2023 surveys, claiming that they defined their generation as Gen COVID as the main indicator, and Generation Z+/ZZZ as a second choice. The reasoning behind the name of Generation Z+ / ZZZ (2005/2006-2014) differing from the earlier years of Gen Z (1997-2004/2005).

Note: Generation Z+ and Generation ZZZ can be interchanged.

Example 1:
Person A (Towards a kid born between 2010-2014): You're Gen alpha.
Person B (Born 2010-2014): No, I'm simply Generation Z+ / Generation ZZZ.

Example 2:
Person A (born early Gen Z; 1997-2005ish): Do you remember insert event?
Person B (born in the late 2000s; 2006-2009ish): No way, that's such a Generation Z thing.
Person A: But you're Generation Z, aren't you?
Person B: No, I'm Generation Z+ / Generation ZZZ.

by Silvri June 12, 2024