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zeyad gouda

A guy who loves to eat cheese.

Zeyad Gouda, Stop eating cheese!

by Whyiseverynameinuse February 24, 2017

Gouda Queen

Is (lgbt) slang for a gay man (every ethicity) that prefers Dutch (farmer/country) men.

"Oh my god, that guy is such a Gouda Queen. He only dates like those farmer boys".

by Levilikescookies October 30, 2014

Smoked gouda

good with crackers

yum Smoked gouda yum

by Clavichord 21 April 8, 2022


The cheese that the docdew david noahblah gives to you if you need any cheese and it is the holy cheese.

I need to go get me some gouda from the doc.

by DOCDEW January 19, 2022


when something is good or damn good
In game 2 when gudos got reverse hit in the stanley cup playoffs it changed everything taking him out for game 3 and making him weak for the rest of the series

You scored 3 genos in your last game, gouda.

Eww, gouda, nice rip top yitty brandon

In game 5 gudos gouda reverse hit changed everything

by Killerbee Cow March 26, 2024


butfuck town in east south holland. Filled with dickheads

Wassenaar snob1 :do you want to go to gouda for cheese
Wassenaar snop2 :no, to much of A Shithole

id never go to Gouda, absolutly awful

by janpieterzoonkoenenjoyer3000 March 7, 2022


A synonym for good, often a play on words involving gouda cheese.

“That movie last night was really gouda!”

by spicygalaxy August 11, 2023