When you would much rather be sleeping or plan to be asleep.
The meaning comes from the old timey act of wearing a sleeping gown to bed.
Referring to being tired / ready to be asleep.
“The party STARTS at 9:45, I’ll be in the gown! No way I’m going to that shit!”
A term to signify that you are definitely staying home for the night, and unequivocally will not be putting pants back on to get out. Some old timer ladies call their mu-mus/nightgowns “gowns”.
Girl 1: Hey, sister! You should come over and try this new herbal medicine we got going on.
Girl 2: Nah, I ain’t feelin’ it right now. Wheel of Fortune is about to come on anyway.
Girl 1: Come on, it’s only like 7pm!
Girl 2: I know lol, but I done put my gown on. Even filled my belly; I’m done with today.
Girl 1: OK Grandma, good night then.