This is a short.
it means "Gotta GO" it is mostley used on social media or any chat application.
Tom :"GTG"
Brittny: "Cia"
Short for "got to go", this word is the main source of severe sadness.
Friend: Wanna play a game?
Me: Sorry man I gtg
The meaning of gtg is gotta go, or "I have to leave". Another definition is "I'm bored, I don't want to text you anymore so I'm gonna leave."
"Hey sally!"
"Hey John"
"What's up Sally?"
"Oh look at the time, gtg bye"
A gaming definition for (Got to go)
Guy 1: Hey man, I gtg
Guy 2: Alright man, cya!
gtg- get together( get together as in getting in a relationship, talking stage, or hanging out)
Person- Hey wanna gtg?
Person2- What’s gtg?
Person- Get together!
A suspicious acronym that everyone tries to avoid when it is mentioned.
Person 1: "Hey, what does gtg mean?"
Person 2: "Got to go."
Person 1: "Oh, ok. Sea yah."