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guinea T

(n) a sleeveless mens undershirt; a wifebeater or muscle T
(From the stereotype that italians wear these shirts; see guinea)

It's hot today; I think I'll just wear my guinea T

by Harold April 19, 2005

249๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

guinea pig

one of the awesomest pets you can get. there is another definition saying they are brittle creatures because they break themselves on exercise wheels- they arent supposed to use them, dumbass. guinea pigs are related to the capybara, the largest rodent alive. guinea pigs are one of the only rodents that see in color. they are cute and curious. they are NOT stupid like the said dumbass thinks. i love my pigs of guinea. they are also not only owned by 7 yr olds. i know a 20 yr old who has guinea pigs. she loves them to death.

mom, can i have a horsey?
honey, how about a guinea pig?

by qwsedrftgyhujikolp;aqswdefrgty August 4, 2010

162๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

guinea palace

An extravagant home, typically constructed for an Italian-American family in New York or New Jersey. They will typically be clad in some sort of masonry and often times feature circular or pull around driveways.

Driveways will often be constructed from some sort of paving stone and is not uncommon to see some fancy patterns laid with the pavers. Stone towers marking the entrance to the driveway is a necessity, typically topped with a lion or gargoyle.

Another key feature to any guinea palace is a large iron gate at the driveway with the first letter of the family name in the center.

The interior of the home will almost always feature an obnoxiously bright and swagged out chandelier in the double height foyer which can clearly be seen by half of the neighborhood through the large window above the front door. Some sort of jogged or curved stairway will guide you to the second floor of the palace which is strictly off limits to visitors (except for coomads).

Large cases of fine china which never get used and 3-4 dining tables may also be found. It is also very common for there to be an in-law apartment in the basement. Overall, a warm and welcoming place where everyone who enters becomes a part of the family.

Wow, did you see the (insert generic italian last name) new guinea palace? That place must have cost a small fortune. The garbage business must be booming.

by n_mootz December 8, 2016

guinea stompers

Shoes made in Italy; especially, but not limited to, the designer brand name products. The attachment of metal tap plates on the heels and/or toes may also qualify the shoes whatever the country of manufacture.

You can't dress like Guido without your guinea stompers.

by casual observer12 January 22, 2012

Guinea Pig

The most powerful entity in all of existence. Seriously. If you see one, it is too late. The guinea horde will rip all your delicate skin and flesh until you are nothing but dust. If you want to make it out alive, you won't. You must accept your fate as guinea pig chow.


by Jeus the basketball master April 24, 2021

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Guinea Gangplank

Slang name for the Verrazano-Narrows bridge connecting Brooklyn with Staten Island. The name was coined by pre-bridge State Island residents who resented the large influx of people into their borough after the bridge was built. There was a large Italian-American influx from Brooklyn along with other nationalities as the island was built up after the bridge went into service back in 1964.

All these guinea gangplankers have ruined what used to be a nice peaceful island.

by blueMagoo March 23, 2009

55๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Guinea Pigs

Cute, cuddly,and great pets!

Guinea Pigs are cool critters!

by Shelby A April 4, 2007

111๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž