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An excuse for everybody!
For teenage girls to dress like sluts!
For little boys to dress up like robots and aliens and not be teased!
For nerds to cosplay as things no sane person has ever heard of!
For adults to get roaring drunk and not be given a second look!
For paedophiles to hand out free candy to willing little children!
For idiots to watch the same three horror movies they watched last year!
And for silent misanthropes to bang their head against the wall for another four hours.

(Day after Halloween)
Jack: Hey, did you see that horror movie at Dan's place last night?
Bob: No, I couldn't get there. The road was too blocked up with slutty teenage girls, cosplay geeks, drunken adults and possible child predators.
Jack: Good thing I'm a silent misanthrope, then.
Bob: Agreed.

by Marvelator November 3, 2013

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Christian Holiday held on the 31st of October in remembrance of the occasion Jesus dressed up in a sheet and went begging for sweets.

"It's Halloween. Time for some thinly veiled begging."

by Johnny Kayoss December 26, 2007

26๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mostly American holliday where children dress up in costume go door to door and expect expensive candy when they really only get hoardes of smartees. Originated from All Hollows Eve, a holliday said to be the Devil's day. Signified the end of fall, beginning of winter.

by yarf October 27, 2003

18๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


The time of year in October, Where teenagers Piss off fellow neighbors, friends, and family. During this "holiday" They usually cause havoc and vandalism by:

Eggs, Toilet Paper, paintball guns, rocks, fake blood, and other means of vandalizing.

The less harmless pranks include: Ding dong ditch, and scaring people.

Usually they hang out in small gang like groups, so beware next Halloween.!

Chris: Dude, Ryan, wanna go pumpkin smashing this Halloween?
Ryan: wait until we egg some houses.
Tyler: No! Lets Tick tack some houses
Chris: Ok but after we ding dong ditch garrets.
Ryan: how about later we paintball my aunts house?
Tyler: Ok but after wards, were Tee peeing, some trees and houses.
Ryan: sounds fun!
Chris: ok lets do it! This Halloween is gunna rock!

by Chris O_o October 30, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A pagan holy day celebrating the new year Samhain. Also a common day when children go trick-or-treating, candy usually comes from this.

Example 1: I went to the Samhain bonfire last night.

Example 2: Mommy it's Halloween can we go rick-or-treating yet?

by OnePiecePirate October 12, 2003

16๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A holiday that has become a comercial event, particularly to candy companies. Originally called All Hallow's eve, when all of the "saints" rose from the grave and roamed the earth in preperation for All Saints Day on November 1stm

by Anonymous November 1, 2003

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Socially acceptable real world looting.

Want to go halloween?

by Rollend April 24, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž