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Peak of comedy

big pp

i have a Heine=Big PP

by imahumanlezzgooo April 26, 2021


Heine is the best person you will EVER meet. Hi is funny, strong, kind and even more funny

There is a Heine, i want One of those

by Dritlokt October 9, 2018


An extremely handsome guy.

Penis size varies from 7 - 11 inches.

Often has above average amounts of pubic hairs.

You're such a Heine.

by moren din 6969 November 18, 2021

ah oui hein?

A slightly more polite way to say "Anyway..." or "Moving on..." in response to something you don’t find particularly engaging (mildly interesting) or not worth further discussion (inconsequential information), with a reduced probability of hurting or ignoring someone entirely.

In French Canadian (Quebec), "ah oui hein?" is an informal / colloquial follow-up interjection, often said in a nonchalant manner to convey a mix of polite acknowledgment and mild indifference.

When used genuinely (i.e. not sarcastically), the speaker is effectively being polite, demonstrating a willingness to keep the conversation going despite a lack of immediate curiosity.

Synonyms are listed next in decreasing orders of interest & politeness: "Interesting", "Is that so?", "Oh really!", "I see", "Okay", "Got it", "Uh-huh", "Right", "Oh, okay then", "Huh.", "Alright", "Alrighty then", "If you say so.", (with sarcasm) "Shut the front door!".

Person A: "Quelqu'un à ma job m'a dit que mon boss a repeinturé son bureau en bleu! Someone at work told me my boss repainted his office entirely in blue!". Person B: "Ah oui hein?".

by jeanlouisdev June 30, 2024

ah oui hein?

A slightly more polite way to say "Anyway..." or "Moving on..." in response to something you don’t find particularly engaging (mildly interesting) or not worth further discussion (inconsequential information), with a reduced probability of hurting or ignoring someone entirely.

In French Canadian (Quebec), "ah oui hein?" is an informal / colloquial follow-up interjection, often said in a nonchalant manner to convey a mix of polite acknowledgment and mild indifference.

When used genuinely (i.e. not sarcastically), the speaker is effectively being polite, demonstrating a willingness to keep the conversation going despite a lack of immediate curiosity.

Synonyms are listed next in decreasing orders of interest & politeness: "Interesting", "Is that so?", "Oh really!", "I see", "Okay", "Got it", "Uh-huh", "Right", "Oh, okay then", "Huh.", "Alright", "Alrighty then", "If you say so.", (with sarcasm) "Shut the front door!".

Person A: "Quelqu'un à ma job m'a dit que mon boss a repeinturé son bureau en bleu! Someone at work told me my boss repainted his office entirely in blue!". Person B: "Ah oui hein?".

by jeanlouisdev June 30, 2024

Crinkle Heins Spooker

The man with the biggest Penis of all time. It's been calculated at a massive origin shifting 30ft wide and long, it's so big drags on the floor and causes earthquakes. Crinkle has yet too masturbate because his Penis is so ginormous and he can't reech it.

Is that crinkle Heins Spooker?
I want to suck him and make him rearrange my insides...

by Micah Angela July 30, 2022


Always smiling and down to earth person. Hate gossips and small talks. A Hein will always be there when you need someone the most. Double cross a Hein and your world your collapse. Heins are devious the most when they felt threatened or betrayed.

Hi, my name is Hein. Nice to meet you.

by Devil Eggs March 18, 2021