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A derrogatory term used to describe the following:

1. Southerners
2. People who live in trailer parks
3. Uncivilized or unsophisticated people
4. Ignorant people

The term "hicks" is an insult and is inappropriate for civil conversation, as many people take offense to the term.

Look at those girls by that trailer! They're real hicks.

Those hicks don't even know what one plus one is.

by Darkmoon June 25, 2004

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A derogatory term for certain rural dwellers used to play up the overrated hype of urban conformity. Hicks reject modern doctrines of chasing class, sophistication, and materialism either outrightedly, or because they can't be bothered with venturing out of their simple yet humble lifestyles. They tend to not worry about insignificant things like trends and fashions and sometimes walk into the bank wearing their "shitkickers" to enjoy disgusted reactions. They are often called old fashioned but know that the urban community established by capitalist bankers and freemasons with too much money and power is only a temporary thing that like most fads will go out of fashion in due time. Too one's disgust, "City slickers" and urbanites who are generally regarded as being more refined or worldly have earned more favorable names like "gentleman", "intellectual", "beau", and "smoothy" mostly due to the fact that they, the ones in control of urban hubs and centers are also the ones in control of mass public influence, and the English language for that matter. After all, the country people are responsible for the bucolic plague!

After Bush got elected for his second term, the Waits family said "the hell with this fascist crapola!" and retired to the country to be hicks.

by Jesse Stacey February 9, 2007

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Racist, ignorant, xenophobic, redneck + people who lack intelligence

Jade Goody is a hick

by madeofglass90 September 2, 2011

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One who lives more than 20 miles from the nearest city of at least half a million. (Distance measured, as the crow flies, to the city line, not the city center.)

There are hicks in all 50 states even though people think of them as being Southern.

by Anonymous July 29, 2003

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A dumb kid who thinks they know how to do shit but they don't. They like to fuck their cousins and wear camo clothes.

That kid is such a hick!

by Nick Lud February 8, 2018

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To suck on a person's neck or below the neck until it bruises.

Those two spent all last night hicking. Now they have purple dots all over their necks!

by gj555 April 25, 2016

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1. In southwestern Washington State, a male teenager who uses a stereotypical version of the redneck way of life as an excuse to chew tobacco, get drunk and have sex out in the woods as often as possible, speak with a fake Southern accent, stop bathing, regularly wear filthy Carhartts and hunting clothes to school, and desperately cling to racist, misogynist and/or homophobic ideas. They are hopelessly ignorant of the fact that genuine rednecks are not always prejudiced and do not necessarily engage in all of the aforementioned activities.

2. A female teenager from the same region of Washington who wears anything with the words "Rebel Bitch" on it as an excuse to be anything other than a decent human being, and, like her male counterparts, as an excuse to get drunk and have sex in the woods. Also ignorant of the fact that genuine redneck females can be perfectly nice people and don't necessarily drink.

1. "Mark thinks he's a redneck, but he's just a wanna-be hick."

2. "Jane used to be preppy and friendly, but after she went to one of Mark's parties in the woods, she wears nothing but Carhartts and is a complete bitch to everyone who isn't a drunken hick like her."

by adnoctum September 21, 2004

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