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This is a group of people no man should ever cross. Most of them have no souls. If you mess with them they will never find your body. The are the size of ogres but are the most tender people you will meet. They swear like a sailor but say please and thank you like a saint. Any person that does these individuals wrong should run cause they cant hide.

I wouldn't cross those illies

by BigSalmon December 24, 2019


Illy is a special species of humankind. Not only will she swiep you of your feet with a wet handtowel like you see in the gym, she will always let you know how she likes to do, or may i say, doesnt do the nasty.

Nobody: “Hey Illy, how was your weekend?”
Illy: “Nobody asks how my weekend was:(“

by Helliebel hihi November 23, 2021


Illy is a very special species of kaolo boef. That means she will always look for the best ways to swiep you of your feet ;)

Illy: “Hey Jet, i would go totally gay for you”
*Jet gets swept of her feet*
Helen: “Kaooooolooooo boeffff!”

by Helliebel hihi November 23, 2021


You think I am dumb? You just removed the first letter of your name. Don't think I am Stupid. Your name either is Billy, Filly, Gilly, Hilly, Jilly, Lilly, Milly, Tilly, Zilly.

Hi I am Ill (Billy, Filly, Gilly, Hilly, Jilly, Lilly, Milly, Tilly, Zilly.) (I am not stupid.)

by Milly Jame May 29, 2022


tall and big penus with a lot of detail

DIABLO ese ILLY esta q se te sale por el pantalon

by EDWINOTHE3RD March 10, 2021


illy is not a plain stupid bitch

Illy is cool

by NotOrderOfChaos April 18, 2021

illy billy

an italian slang word created to define a stereotypical redhead

Italian daughter: ugh i hate redheads, they're so annoying
Italian father: you mean illy billys?

by merrygold June 1, 2022